za? Also you found me! U usually check email several times a day on my phone and reply right then if I don’t reply in 24hrs keep trying til I do. The only day I can’t check as often is Thursday cuz adulting and work. And I can send an email and kind of surprised that you actually took me up on the offer..
2 days ago
Dyla N
Wow I know I keep saying this. I’m sorry I don’t come on more often. I mean it’s technically been a year now anyway I thought we were back at Christmas parties. We had one of my aunt Uncle‘s house and we had one in my mom and siblings and we had one with my friend and then we had I think at least two more somewhere in there the last one didn’t even get done until like the fifth of this month but has it been since the last messaging I swear one of these days you’re gonna see my messages just plain not answer and I wouldn’t blame you for that and
Jan 25
Dyla N
(Shrugs) why would that be djssappiniting, I was mainly mentioning then because they’re a YouTuber and it sounded like you watched a lot of pokemon tube, i just thought the Rodney thing was cool
Glad to hear your doing well, got any fun Holliday plans?
Dec 23, 2024
Dyla N
I find it kind of ironic we keep missing each other on here by weeks or days at a time lol I’m surprised you even checked my wall anymore or your wall I guess is more accurate.
Also, you might know more about this and I do because it sounds like you follow tournaments and stuff, but guess? some of that I’m working with now for orientation and mobility. has a sign who has editing for videos for somebody who does Pokémon tournaments. and I guess I just want the Canadian one. I think it was the Canadian regionals and it was their 10th win for a region.. I have no idea what that means or anything I thought you might find that kind of cool since I think you follow that stuff.
Also, how have you been??
Dec 20, 2024
Dyla N
Ahh, just once a year? I’d think it would chabge and need more than one check, but it’s only November, you really have to prepare two months early, bleh XD
AND thanks!
Nov 22, 2024
Dyla N
Wdym starts on the 4th? You get a promotion at work or something, because last I knew inventory kind of came in like weekly not on a specific date but then again I don’t know much about anything lol.
Can’t help with bordem though, not much going on here except waay overspending on stuff Which involves a lot
Ama, well, not the step specifically, but the fact that I was buying it and not telling anyone I was buying it kind of i’m not gonna go and start talking about that on here. I don’t think anyone wants to hear it.. not much happening here besides that, oh fun fact: I’ll catch up to you in age next Thursday, or Thor’s day if your biedick XD
Nov 16, 2024
Dyla N
Ahh, so its a long view, kinda like lllayinf the long game your basing it on the future, not the here and now.
Also, hi, sorry it’s been so long…again, how’s your November?
Nov 13, 2024
Dyla N
I feel like I do this every time I message now but I’m sorry for being so late in responding again
What makes f this guy an expert? Just curious The reason that sounds weird question. Like I said, I think, I had no idea I was using “the best” ones or close to it anyway so that’s cool.
Also, just in case I’m not on tomorrow happy Halloween!
Oct 30, 2024
Dyla N
Are there gonna be BW remakes? I knew I heard something new was coming that might I’ll Unova and or Kalos but that was like last year, so I don’t know if I ever happened. Oh, so me having a Scorbunny buddy in GO means I picked the bear, funny in SP I picked Piplup I think, in GG I did Chikorita and later typhlision, my first B ply was Emboar(female have you know and I was before, knowing that females were rare) and I think in lot two white too, whichever one I played I pickishawott, in Kalos I did Delphox bc fox, in SMYSUM I did Litten bc cat you can kick your butt it next week lol and I also did Decidoueye if I play the newer ones, I definitely would’vesprigatitro actually, I have the final evolution as a ask buddy in Pokémon GO. I say X because she’s not my buddy right now., if I played the new ones or new or newer ones, I would’vescorbunny because keep flaming bunnies are adorable Oh, I almost forgot an office sapphiretodchic, Point of that long messages to say that we’ve had quite a few of the same starters I didn’t know they were actually the best ones though or is that just your opinion
Oct 18, 2024
Dyla N
You know I totally forgot about her trial was so weird. I mean, I guess it was all right, but it was still weird. sounds like you got a nice team going there for you well, in both cases, but I don’t know anything really about. Let’s go so I was referring more to the ultrasound. I mean team.grr I haven’t picked up any devices for a while, except my phone surprisingly3DA I still working though Or at least it was last night checked
Oct 17, 2024
Dyla N