Meta-PokéBase Q&A

User Zorua0

Member for: 12 years (since Dec 28, 2012)
Type: Registered user
Gender: It's a secret!
Country: London,England, Britan, UK, Europe, Earth, Solar System,The Milky Way Galaxy, The Universe.
Favorite Pokémon: Infernape, it was the first Pokemon I got from Platinum. Love its design. Fire is my favourite type and best of all it is great competitively! Zorua and Zororark are also pretty awesome since of their unique ability and their own official film. As well as the plot with N in gen 5. Design is nice too.
Friend Codes: X and Alpha Sapphire: 1607-2839-3740
About me: Ermmm...

I play the VGC format mainly and I've really gotten into it and have found it an enjoyable format. I live in London though, and there is very rare human contact with other  VGC players. Only about 4 people in my school know anything about Pokemon, and their biggest achievement is beating the elite four...  

I also can't attend too many VGC events since the game is not as popular as in the US in England, but there is a nice amount of recurring premier challenges about an hour from where I live. Regionals and Nationals are also a thing though, so that's cool :)
My Showdown name is Zorua0, same as here.

So.... yeah....


Activity by Zorua0

Score: 12 points (ranked #93,451)
Questions: 2 (1 with best answer chosen)
Answers: 1
Comments: 7
Voted on: 0 questions, 0 answers
Gave out: 0 up votes, 0 down votes
Received: 0 up votes, 1 down vote

Wall for Zorua0

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I do have that Shellos! Sorry for the late reply. If you haven't already breeded a Shellos yourself then I will most likely be on Showdown between 21:00 and 00:30 (GMT). More chance I'll be on late. I'm also on now (18:10)
Mar 18, 2015 by Zorua0
If you happen to have the following Shellos:

31/x/31/31/31/x | Bold | Storm Drain

I would love to trade you for it. I have some breedjected Bold Chlorophyll Bulbasaurs.
Mar 16, 2015 by Toucanadian
Oh yeah, sorry, it's just that when I first posted my team it didn't go up very quickly, so I thought there was a problem and it didn't go though. So I reposted it.
Mar 9, 2015 by Zorua0
Hi; please don't repost the same team. Edit you old question with any new changes.
Mar 9, 2015 by fondant
Sep 11, 2014 by Legend Of Lotad
You copy a website address, then click the image of the Earth with the small green arrow (in between the italics and speech mark signs) paste the web address,click OK, then write what you want between these:  [       ] [1]
Apr 8, 2014 by Zorua0
Hey, how do you link a site within a word like you did on that Q&A earlier....
Apr 4, 2014 by Haribos_01
Mar 17, 2014 by Terlor
Dec 6, 2013 by Zorua0