Pokémon Rate My Team

User (Abnormal1!)

Member for: 12 years (since Jan 6, 2012)
Type: Registered user
Extra privileges: Voting on questions
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About me: I say what I want,because biting my tongue hurts,So like me or don't...It's time for me to Log Out!


I left on my terms, I'm never dead.

Activity by (Abnormal1!)

Score: 514 points (ranked #38)
Questions: 8 (3 with best answer chosen)
Answers: 11 (11 chosen as best)
Comments: 155
Voted on: 7 questions, 9 answers
Gave out: 15 up votes, 1 down vote
Received: 35 up votes, 8 down votes

Wall for (Abnormal1!)

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Hey Ab, Rio here.
I'm not sure if you'll ever see this.... but I just feel like now would be a great time to apologize. I couldn't do it a year ago when it was critical, but better late then never. I hope you're on better footing now, found some good friends to hang out with...
Just, try and have a good life. You have some potential, I can see it. Use it- use your common sense. You're going to go through a lot before you find what you're good at. What you wanna be. I won't tell you as how I see you in the future, but.... yeah.
Goodbye from a former friend,
Jul 25, 2013 by Rio