Pokémon Rate My Team

User ArceusSlayer

Member for: 6 years (since Jun 10, 2018)
Type: Registered user
Gender: Male
Country: Asgard
Favorite Pokémon: Marshadow! Mine has a good nature, maxed out stats, great moves, and it's legit. Just how I like it!
Friend Codes: My friend code is 3927-0644-3387 for the Nintendo 3DS XL. My name in the game is Peyton and I am wearing the Kommo-o Outfit. If you would like to Link Trade with me, post what you're offering and your friend code in the wall. I am very picky about if it's legit so I only want LEGIT Pokemon.

I am also willing to trade you my Pokemon if you send me an unused code for an event that is going on

Please shiny Tapu Lele/Bulu/Fini Legit
About me: I only play Pokemon Ultra Moon but I'm going to play a lot more games soon.
HUGE ANIME FAN! I LOVE FAIRY TAIL! I also love Marvel movies.

I would like shinies, legendaries, and mythicals.
I have for trade:
Shiny Protean Greninja
Shiny Giratina
Shiny Lucario
Shiny Goodra
Shiny Genesect
Shiny Jirachi
Shiny Celebi
Shiny Incineroar
Shiny Tapu Koko
Event Victini with V-Create and Bolt Strike
4 Hidden Ability Rowlets
Shiny Deoxys
And more

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-------* * ------PUT THIS----* *-* *----RIBBON --- * * --- * * ---ON YOUR --- * * --- ** --- PAGE IF --- * * --- * * * --- YOU ---- * * - * * ----LOVE ---- * * * ---- ANIME ---- ** -- ** THANK YOU

You said you had a dream... That dream... Make it come true! Make your wonderful dream a reality, and it will become your truth!! If anyone can, it's you!- N

"Okay dude. Keep slaying those false gods! "- Azelfeo

I'm currently trying to complete the Alola Pokedex. But I'm lazy. It sucks.

Time Master Dialga- nice person, loves the way he thinks, and thanks for the Link Trade

I'm still pretty new so I don't know THAT much people.

Activity by ArceusSlayer

Score: 20 points (ranked #801)
Questions: 0
Answers: 0
Comments: 1
Voted on: 0 questions, 0 answers
Gave out: 0 up votes, 0 down votes
Received: 0 up votes, 0 down votes

Wall for ArceusSlayer

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you got it
Apr 14, 2020 by fwoofyy
Yep! Tho I'm still pretty inactive on this site.
Mar 1, 2020 by Azelfeo

Tho, I could probably top that :P.
Feb 29, 2020 by Azelfeo
Please if anyone has a shiny Tapu Lele or Fini please trade with me
Jun 19, 2019 by ArceusSlayer
Lol, it’s okay.
Jun 11, 2019 by Azelfeo
Okay, have fun :P. So... Did you ever use that shiny Dialga I gave you?
Jun 8, 2019 by Azelfeo
Lol. Hi. Thor Ragnarok is a good movie, except for all the death :P.
Jun 8, 2019 by Azelfeo
Apr 20, 2019 by Azelfeo

Dec 20, 2018 by ArceusSlayer
Hi there, dude.
Oct 19, 2018 by Azelfeo