Member for:
10 years (since Mar 26, 2014)
Registered user
U.S., or Illinois
Favorite Pokémon:
Scrafty, Salamence, Hydreigon, Gyarados, Articuno, Bisharp, Heatran, Volcorona and Absol.
Friend Codes:
Pokémon X\Omega Ruby Version: 1607-3469-3175
I prefer to battle in Multibattles and FFAs, but I'll do OU singles.
XY and ORAS ign: Mason
(X and Y): My Friend Safari is Grass. (Oddish, Gogoat, Ivysaur)
About me:
I am previously known as HoodedScrafty on this site.
I've been playing since 2007, and my first game was Pearl Version. The oldest game I own is Firered*.
My favorite game version is Pearl.