Pokémon Rate My Team

User PeeKayFreeze

Member for: 4 years (since Feb 28, 2021)
Type: Registered user
Extra privileges: Voting on questions
Voting on answers
Voting posts down
Flagging posts
Posting on user walls
Gender: Mail
Country: Somewhere on one of the (recognized) planets in this solar system, you have a 1/8 chance of getting it right
Favorite Pokémon: Chi-Yu
Friend Codes: I can't right now, but I might post my code or not.
Also I'm too lazy to do a friend list LOL.

I still remember when I used to enjoy Pokemon Showdown, my username is Dmub. You'll have to wallpost me if you want a chance to play.
I can trade but I don't do friend codes really
I'm a shiny trader mostly but I can battle
I'm VERY VERY VERY dead right now, just like this site. Been busy with stuff and likely not gonna become super active in a while. Probably never. I'll just slowly disappear, just like this site...
About me: Join the Snom club if you wanna I'll have the members on here, wallpost me if you wanna join.
Current people in the snom club:
Chesta Adabi 481(co owner)
mega mismagius
Vim ze Hisuian Zorua
Goth Glaceon

Come join the idiot club, you only need a low intelligence quotient to join, which is literally every Pokemon player (jk).
Me and Raptor1914 lead club
Members: Raptor1914, PKBroccoliHead, MrKensa, Goth Glaceon, Yeoch, and RedMikki07, melcakes

Activity by PeeKayFreeze

Score: 98 points (ranked #133)
Questions: 14 (5 with best answer chosen)
Answers: 5 (1 chosen as best)
Comments: 218
Voted on: 5 questions, 3 answers
Gave out: 7 up votes, 1 down vote
Received: 8 up votes, 3 down votes

Wall for PeeKayFreeze

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Damn, I made the same dumb mail joke without noticing.
6 days ago by JustATypicalPerson
Feb 24 by Vibrant Vaporeon
like are oh wait I get it
Feb 24 by Vibrant Vaporeon
what kind of mail are you
Feb 24 by Vibrant Vaporeon
The name is on my profile btw
Feb 18 by TheRaptor
Hope all is well with you!
Feb 14 by TheRaptor
Sure, if you want. And I’m doing alright, just dealing with life and stuff.
Feb 14 by TheRaptor
Btw what do you want to do with your future? What career path are you trying to pursue?
Jan 5 by Mr. Fish
Figure it out
Jan 5 by Mr. Fish
Lil bro wants to be the main character
Jan 4 by Mr. Fish