Pokémon Rate My Team

User PikaPals

Member for: 11 years (since Mar 13, 2013)
Type: Registered user
Gender: Hehe~!
Country: Canada
Favorite Pokémon: Wooper, but Pikachu is obviously so adorable :3
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About me: Wyd Stalker ;)

Im Mafiilicious on Pokemon Showdown ~

Activity by PikaPals

Score: 20 points (ranked #801)
Questions: 4
Answers: 0
Comments: 4
Voted on: 0 questions, 0 answers
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how does it feel to have the most viewed question on PokeBase
Jan 15, 2023 by MangoBrick
rubens other cousin, also a better ruben <:D
Jul 19, 2020 by melcakes
Don't know if you will see this any time soon and excuse my late reply. As you will have already gathered by now, I don't use this site anymore. I hope you're doing well as well pal.
Jul 17, 2020 by Aeternis
May 11, 2020 by Syl ™
Jan 25, 2019 by sumwun
ur cousin
Jan 24, 2019 by melcakes
Pokémon is a huge franchise, not only a TV show. If there was no Pokémon that can represent every branch, then the mascot should at least represent the core series games because that's where the franchise started. Pikachu doesn’t represent them very well, except for Pokémon Yellow Version. Pikachu only became important when the Pokémon anime started airing. The first episode was aired on April Fools day, so Pikachu’s status as mascot was probably just some kind of prank.

The mascot of Mario is Mario. The mascot of The Legend of Zelda is Link. The mascot of Kirby is Kirby. In case you don’t see a pattern, the mascots for all these games are one of their playable characters. However, Red has no superpowers, so it would make more sense for the mascot to be a Pokémon. The closest that a Pokémon could ever get to being a playable character would probably be the starter Pokémon, since they’re both titular and obtained at the beginning of each game. Thus, I think it would make sense if all three Kanto starters could be mascots. Of course, they’d have to be roughly balanced in terms of both usefulness and popularity.

If some Pokémon were to permanently be a mascot, it should represent some concept that doesn’t change. Two concepts that have been significant in every branch of the franchise throughout the history of Pokémon are battling and evolution. No matter what you’re doing with Pokémon, whether you’re playing a core series game, a spinoff game, the Trading Card Game, watching the TV show, or reading one of the manga series, both battling and evolution are very important and intriguing concepts. A good mascot to represent the former would be Magikarp. It’s one of the weakest Pokémon, but becomes better at battling through battling. A good mascot to represent the latter would be Eevee, which is literally the evolution Pokémon.
Jan 21, 2019 by sumwun
actual rubens cousin
Jul 19, 2018 by melcakes
Congratulations on asking the most viewed question in PokémonDB history.
Nov 15, 2017 by ♥~Morpekochu~♥
Welcome back :)
Oct 23, 2014 by Mosmic Dragoon