Pokémon Rate My Team

User R3BEL

Member for: 4 years (since Sep 26, 2020)
Type: Registered user
Gender: Male
Country: Singapore, but I love Japan
Favorite Pokémon: Favourite: BarbeQ The Blaziken, Teriyaki The Zekrom, Yveltal, Marshadow, Zeraora, Lucario, Zoroark Cloyster, Scizor, Lucario
Friend Codes: Just contact me through Discord
About me: I play Zombs Royale, Tanki Online, but mainly Pokemon.
Team I would use by type alone:
BarbeQ (Blaziken), Marshadow, Infernape, Lucario, Kommo-O, Zacian
I mostly use Discord and my favourite leggie is Teriyaki the Zekrom.
I like to use Marshadow to troll other teams and I like irritating people on Showdown! until they rage quit ;p

Activity by R3BEL

Score: 2 points (ranked #88,389)
Questions: 1 (1 with best answer chosen)
Answers: 5
Comments: 7
Voted on: 0 questions, 0 answers
Gave out: 0 up votes, 0 down votes
Received: 0 up votes, 2 down votes

Wall for R3BEL

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Are you still here???
Jan 13, 2021 by Tensa Zangetsu
You say to contact you through discord, but who are you on discord? lol
Nov 17, 2020 by ~Dragapulse~
I'll try to make it at that time
Nov 7, 2020 by ★~ProfDelldell~★
Which Format?

The formats I mainly do: National Dex AG, VGC 2019, 1v1
Nov 6, 2020 by ★~ProfDelldell~★
Battle me pls
 15 minutes ago by R3BEL

Okay of you're still active and looking at your wall before 9.30p.m. that's fine. What's your showdown username?
Nov 6, 2020 by ★~ProfDelldell~★
Ok I get it, Dusk Man that’s why
But why trick room?
It can learn Dragon Dance and Autotomize
Give it a weakness policy and use autotomize. It’s broken
It’s so Tanky, it tanks 1 super effective hit, then sweeps entire teams
 5 hours ago by R3BEL
The problem is even with Autotomise, It is very slow. If you don't invest in Speed, then you get outsped even after +2 Speed. And If fully invest in Speed, then you lack Bulk. Also, Ditto is very common in the meta. Since they are Choice Scarf, I can outspeed them in Trick Room.
Nov 3, 2020 by Tensa Zangetsu
And I'm 12
Nov 2, 2020 by Soul Stealer
Ok I get it, Dusk Man that’s why
But why trick room?
It can learn Dragon Dance and Autotomize
Give it a weakness policy and use autotomize. It’s broken
It’s so Tanky, it tanks 1 super effective hit, then sweeps entire teams
 5 hours ago by R3BEL

He puts a Weakness Policy, I fall for his Trick, activates the weakness Policy, he sets up the Trick Room and one shot my Groudon with Earthquake
Nov 2, 2020 by ★~ProfDelldell~★
Nov 1, 2020 by Soul Stealer
Trick Room?
Necromancy doesn’t need Trick Room to sweep
 22 minutes ago by R3BEL

I forgot to mention specifically Dusk Mane Necrozma, with a base 77 speed, he probably gave it a speed lowering nature, because his Necrozma was faster than mine with Trick Room on.
Nov 1, 2020 by ★~ProfDelldell~★