Pokémon Rate My Team

User Senhorohlo

Member for: 6 years (since May 20, 2018)
Type: Registered user
Gender: Mela
Country: Brasil
Favorite Pokémon: Ribombee; Far Away from the 2nd Place
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Activity by Senhorohlo

Score: 22 points (ranked #677)
Questions: 1 (1 with best answer chosen)
Answers: 0
Comments: 6
Voted on: 0 questions, 0 answers
Gave out: 0 up votes, 0 down votes
Received: 0 up votes, 0 down votes

Wall for Senhorohlo

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Welcome, and thanks for selecting my answer!
Jan 14, 2019 by Momo1234567890
"i simply don't understand why deleting posts and awnser just because they're late would be a good idea, because, there are people who search for this like 11 years later"
We hide posts on old questions and answers because they rarely ever add anything new or useful. "nintendo could make it like gardevoir family." isn't really useful to anyone. It's more of a suggestion that we can't do anything at all with.
Dec 6, 2018 by Hellfire Taco
Boom, first wall post.

Sup, my homeboi
Jul 28, 2018 by WhoGotzDaFud