Hey, man. Long time, no see. I think it would be a better witness if you changed the Rotom's nickname on RMT.
Apr 3, 2014
Haha, thanks, man. I appreciate it. Most of the people coming to my wall aren't offended by the faith, but neither are most of them religious. I don't mind them asking me to keep it out of Q's and A's since I can express it freely elsewhere. Now, if that changes, there will be a problem... But you know how it is! We're supposed to be outspoken, like our Lord. Thanks for the post. I still haven't seen you around on Showdown-- hope to meet you there soon!
Mar 11, 2014
I am Mo-Kenzie on Showdown! I guess you're the same there, unless you tell me otherwise! We can meet up sometime!
Feb 20, 2014
Anytime you wanna play, let me know, and we can meet on the Showdown server!
Feb 13, 2014