PokéBase - Pokémon Q&A

User BladeBoy100

Member for: 12 years (since May 20, 2012)
Type: Registered user
Extra privileges: Voting on questions
Voting on answers
Voting posts down
Flagging posts
Posting on user walls
Gender: Boy
Country: United States of America
Favorite Pokémon: Normal: Bouffalant - Grass: Sceptile - Fire: Houndoom - Water: Walrien - Elecric: Elektross - Psychic: Gardevoir - Dark: Sharpedo - Steel: Heatran-Ice: Glalie - Ground: Excadrill - Flying: Braviary- Ghost: Chandelure - Fighting: Mienshao - Bug: Galvantula - Poison: Scolipede - Rock: Carracosta - Dragon: Garchomp
Friend Codes: Pokemon White Friend Code:
5415 5498 3884

Pokemon Black Friend Code:
Just you wait!

About me: Iz Be A Nerd O-O
Iz Be A Boy O-<-<
Iz Be A Penguin (v*)>

Activity by BladeBoy100

Score: 156 points (ranked #883)
Questions: 6 (5 with best answer chosen)
Answers: 16 (5 chosen as best)
Comments: 7
Voted on: 1 question, 9 answers
Gave out: 3 up votes, 7 down votes
Received: 11 up votes, 7 down votes

Wall for BladeBoy100

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