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User CinnoLia

Member for: 7 years (since Oct 10, 2017)
Type: Registered user
Extra privileges: Voting on questions
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Gender: Female
Country: The U.S.
Favorite Pokémon: Lurantis, Ariados, Meowstic, Sylveon, Diancie, Minior
Friend Codes: Alright can you explain what a friend code is (I feel like an idiot)
About me: Hey! Listen! (however, that's optional.)

I never had a favorite Pokeyman UNTIL Gen 7 came out. OK, not exactly when it came out, but only about, what, 3-5 months ago? I mean, I knew about it earlier than that, but it was just "eh" until then.

That is Lurantis, obviously. You knew that.. Unless, you are forgetful or something.

Now, I also have a cr- ah, forget it. It ain't important.

Well, I am a kinda good artist. That's really it....

OK, carry on scrolling, nothing is important here (yet).

Activity by CinnoLia

Score: 30 points (ranked #3,983)
Questions: 2
Answers: 0
Comments: 0
Voted on: 0 questions, 0 answers
Gave out: 0 up votes, 0 down votes
Received: 1 up vote, 0 down votes

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