PokéBase - Pokémon Q&A

User Darquaza

Member for: 12 years (since Apr 9, 2012)
Type: Registered user
Extra privileges: Voting on questions
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Gender: boy 13 yrs
Country: Manchester, England Time zone: GMT (+0 hrs)
Favorite Pokémon: Darkrai and zorua
Friend Codes: coming soon...
About me: I know pretty much everything about actual pokemon but seriously, im terrible with movesets, EV's IV's and all that stuff

I do have PO my name is Darquaza


At the moment my wifi isn't working so i will put my friend codes on when that gets fixed


All of my best pokemon are on my Pokemon white game so i'm not going to be too tough on my other games

My First game was Emerald, on my Gameboy Advanced, my partner was Muddy who is now a Lv. 86 Swampert still at home in Hoenn I then had Leafgreen in which i had Bulby the Lv. 56 Venasaur who never made it past the pokemon League :( he is now lost After that Diamond was next for my new nintendo DS lite! i chose Twiggy, and im sure you can guess which pokemon that is, unfortunately, he has been asleep for like 4 years because the Sinnoh region seems to have disappeared from my Room and finally,
.(.INFORMATION MISSING.).rperior level 69 is my partner in White.

Games I have:

Diamond (lost)
Soul silver

Games I dont have:

Green? (is there even a green?)

Side games I have:

Pokemon battle revolution
Pokemon rumble
Pokemon ranch
Pokemon mystery dungeon (all of them)
Pokemon Trozei! (lost)

Activity by Darquaza

Score: 126 points (ranked #1,017)
Questions: 3 (3 with best answer chosen)
Answers: 7 (3 chosen as best)
Comments: 9
Voted on: 0 questions, 8 answers
Gave out: 8 up votes, 0 down votes
Received: 4 up votes, 0 down votes

Wall for Darquaza

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