PokéBase - Pokémon Q&A

User Hórus

Member for: 9 years (since Nov 19, 2015)
Type: Registered user
Extra privileges: Voting on questions
Voting on answers
Voting posts down
Flagging posts
Posting on user walls
Gender: Male
Favorite Pokémon: Oshawott.
Friend Codes:
About me: My intention here is only to seek basic information about the games like where to catch them, their learnsets,  their egg groups, what each nature increase/decrease and similar things.

 I only have interest in the official games and i am against everything that is illegal.

Activity by Hórus

Score: 748 points (ranked #329)
Questions: 51 (50 with best answer chosen)
Answers: 48 (14 chosen as best)
Comments: 202
Voted on: 316 questions, 401 answers
Gave out: 541 up votes, 176 down votes
Received: 75 up votes, 6 down votes

Wall for Hórus

This user has disallowed new posts on their wall
About my wall: I delete all messages regarding casual conversation.
Oct 26, 2021 by Hórus