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User JellyWobbles101

Member for: 11 years (since Jan 13, 2014)
Type: Registered user
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Gender: Toast (Male)
Country: Australia ('STRAYA!)
Favorite Pokémon: Jumpluff, Togekiss, Drifblim, Dusknoir, Spiritomb, Mantine, Gourgeist, Carbink, Espeon, Glaceon, Joltik + Galvantula, Politoed, Roserade, Mismagius, Gliscor, Frosslass, Chandelure, Gothitelle, Jellicent, Volcarona, Walrein, Medicham. And by the way, Charizard is an overrated stinker whom I do NOT like at all.
Friend Codes: Just ask me if you want to know.
About me: Books, books, more books, some more books, I am literally drowning in books. I love reading and I love Pokémon as well. I like writing too. Had a Deviantart at one stage but the site, for some strange reason, is not compatible with my computer. Go figure.

I quite like making sets that aren't seen very often, and have an intense dislike of overrated Pokémon that can be taken out so easily (Charizard and Dragonite, to name a couple).

Mega Medicham = life.
Boyce Avenue = life.
Therefore: Mega Medicham = Boyce Avenue

If you use Megazard Y, send it out against my Cincinno. Go on, I DARE you! I guarantee you that my little chinchilla will destroy your 'god'.

Hail Helix!

What has Pokémon taught? Go look at the first movie and you will understand. It taught me much more things I will need in life than learning the derivative of ax^2+bx+c, I'll tell you that.

Can we just work to eradicate genwunners? Like, brainwash them into forgetting their stupid (yes, I'm going that far) ideologies. They're all Pokémon, for crying out loud. Now, the question is, what would happen if Bulbasaur, Squirtle and Charmander were the starters of Gen VI instead of Gen I? Genwunners would be taking the piss out of them.

Heaven is what insecure people tell themselves to avoid facing the harsh reality that there might not be anything after death.

If you're going to preach to me about anything related to religion, GO AWAY! I'm seriously sick of hearing that stuff everywhere I go.

Literature is an expression of the human sub-conscience, and must be valued. Apart from Twilight. As the great Dumbledore once said, Ms. Meyer: "It does not do well to dwell on dreams."

Activity by JellyWobbles101

Score: 80 points (ranked #1,447)
Questions: 0
Answers: 7
Comments: 4
Voted on: 0 questions, 0 answers
Gave out: 0 up votes, 0 down votes
Received: 6 up votes, 0 down votes

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