PokéBase - Pokémon Q&A

User MartyJ

Member for: 12 years (since Oct 5, 2012)
Type: Registered user
Extra privileges: Voting on questions
Voting on answers
Voting posts down
Flagging posts
Posting on user walls
Gender: Male
Country: Hoenn
Favorite Pokémon: Sableye Chandelure Togekiss Gigalith Lilligant Vaporeon Alakazam Bellossom Skitty Chimecho Beautifly Minun Spinda Treecko Sceptile Garchomp Gardevoir Litwick Absol Empoleon Emboar Cyndaquil Quilava Keldeo Meloetta Minccino Cinccino Hitmonchan Chikorita Bayleef Furret Budew Roselia Roserade Mime jr. Bulbasaur Milotic
Friend Codes: Black    :

Black 2 : 3695 7870 1042 Name: Max

3ds friend code : 1633 5544 2283
About me: Pokemon Games i have:   
                                               Pokémon Leaf Green
                                               Pokémon Ruby
                                               Pokemon Platinum
                                               Pokemon Heartgold
                                               Pokémon Black
                                               Pokemon Black 2
                                               Pokémon White 2
                                               Pokemon X             IGN MartyJ
                                               Pokémon Y             IGN MakaylaJ
PSN Accounts: Manman534
Pokemondb name used to be MajesticBulbasaur
Favorite Games: Most Pokémon Games
                                      Most Dragonball Z games
                                      All Dynasty Warriors Games
                                      Most Marvel Games
                                                                (xmen and ultimate  alliance games)
                                       Call of Duty Black ops
                                       Call of Duty Black ops 2
                                       Most Sonic The Hedgehog games
                                       Most Mario games
                                       All Mortal Kombat games

Activity by MartyJ

Score: 244 points (ranked #671)
Questions: 33 (23 with best answer chosen)
Answers: 6
Comments: 24
Voted on: 7 questions, 41 answers
Gave out: 47 up votes, 1 down vote
Received: 19 up votes, 1 down vote

Wall for MartyJ

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since your looking at this, can you trade me a bulletproof chespin
Jul 29, 2014 by MartyJ
Jul 7, 2014 by ChristenJay
Aug 29, 2013 by MartyJ
Do u still have that second keldeo?
Jul 31, 2013 by blink182XD