PokéBase - Pokémon Q&A

User Nightcat

Member for: 12 years (since May 11, 2012)
Type: Registered user
Extra privileges: Voting on questions
Voting on answers
Voting posts down
Flagging posts
Posting on user walls
Gender: Female
Country: United States
Favorite Pokémon: UMBREON YEE (updated: all the eeveeloutions + snivy evoloutions)
Friend Codes: None, I need to get a newer game lmao

Sup, not listing my name here but Nightcat and PNG are still fine.
I'm an adult now, frickin crazy. I remember this place was my childhood. Wait, does this make this account 10 years old now???!!!
I'm a woman, I use she/her/hers.
I'm still around the internet, but I don't really want to list anything. You can just chat with me here if you really want to!
Literally the last Pokemon game I played was Pokemon Black 2. I'm really behind + really broke. I'd love to play the new switch games though, they look so fun. Plus I love Leon so-

Oh boy, I haven't been online in forever XD
A lot of things have changed since then, huh? For one, I haven't played the original pokemon games in absolutely forever. Second, I have NO idea where my 3DS went.
Well, guess I'll have to update my profile again, huh?

I'm on Valkyrie Crusade as well! My name is MIMIC on there, feel free to add me as your comrade!!! ^w^

If you have a 3DS my friend code is 0645-6593-8485
and my name on the 3DS is Shadowclaw

My username on Desktop Nexus is (you guessed it!) Shadowclaw

If have an account on Clone Wars Adventures, my screen name is 'Pawniward Superblade'

If you want to battle/trade with me, give me your friend code and game name.

I will occasionally go on Roblox, but not much.
I can't play on my pokemon ds game, because my 3Ds broke.
I was due for a new anyway.

This friend list is in no particular order:

$tarfire: You are the ultimate friend there is on Pokebase. Thx 4 being a good friend.Thank you so much 4 battling me.

Poke'slash: You are a really fun friend anytime.You are funny and nice Thx for being a really good friend.

LilligantLover: You are a pretty good friend too. You aren't much of a good battler,but you still are fun to battle! Good Luck at training your pokemon!

DeathCresselia (MeloettaDancer):
I know I only talked to you once, but you are still nice to talk to you. Good Luck getting your name changed!

I know I already got my name changed, but just feel free to call me PNG.

Activity by Nightcat

Score: 96 points (ranked #1,245)
Questions: 33 (33 with best answer chosen)
Answers: 8 (1 chosen as best)
Comments: 58
Voted on: 0 questions, 3 answers
Gave out: 3 up votes, 0 down votes
Received: 13 up votes, 16 down votes

Wall for Nightcat

Please log in or register to post on this wall.
OHai I don't use the DB chat so if you want to find me head here: http://pokemondatabase.psim.us

If you can't go there then :/ anyway if you can my name is Kazemon
Sep 23, 2014 by Stella Midnight
Oct 5, 2013 by CluelessPonyta
Lol don't worry :P I've kept busy. K I'm gonna stop before I write a fishy paragraph lol xD

BTW I'm starpower
Oct 5, 2013 by Stella Midnight
Hi! I do not log in here much.
Sorry starpower,Pokeslash,Lilligant Lover,and Melloetta Dancer for being off
for so long!
Oct 5, 2013 by Nightcat