PokéBase - Pokémon Q&A

User PKTrainerBobby

Member for: 11 years (since Nov 9, 2013)
Type: Registered user
Gender: I am a Man Male Boy. In specific terms, a guy.
Country: US
Favorite Pokémon: Sceptile kicks...well you know.
Friend Codes: 2621-3099-3915<----MY X.
2882-0868-3021<----My Black 2.
About me: I'm 13 and 3/4 old. My favorite pokemon is Sceptile. When I was younger, my Sceptile took down my Grandad's Metagross (Fully EV trained) with a Focus Punch. I had 2 HP left too. He was 3/4 of life full. That was incredible.

I have a Shuckle. It is VERY defense-ful. I use it often and it is amazing. JUst warning you because CERTAIN people call it "fagtactics" when I stall....

I also own a shiny Zangoose. Toxic Boost, Facade, Toxic Orb and STAB equals death! IT also knows Close Comat, FYI!

My Garchomp is a girl. I hated it at first because I am not a female pokefan. Yeah, it's weird. However, I started to like it because it destroyed 6 legendaries once my other team members died. Isn't Rocky Skin good?! (Rocky Helmet+ Rough Skin)

Mega Kangaskhan is my troll...I know it's banned, but it's so awesome. Body Slam, Fake Out, Sucker Punch, Drain Punch and Power-Up Punch are moves I alternate between. Did I mention it's shiny?

Friends on this site:

(Luc)ario - One of the first people I met, and is awesome! Subscribe to his youtube channel! Oh and if you battle him, be ready for some Huge Power. Literally.

Activity by PKTrainerBobby

Score: 20 points (ranked #7,617)
Questions: 0
Answers: 1
Comments: 0
Voted on: 0 questions, 0 answers
Gave out: 0 up votes, 0 down votes
Received: 0 up votes, 0 down votes

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*gives Bobby pudding*
This should fill in the gap XD
Dec 15, 2013 by Shaishai8
you my pal *hugs bobby*
Dec 14, 2013 by Shaishai8
Hi bobby would u mind if i add u on ur 3ds for a greninja protean breeding?
Dec 14, 2013 by Greninja Blue
Hey will you help me get my boldore to evolve
Nov 10, 2013 by nikinrin
Hey PKTrainerBobby, I have a question: Is it impossible to breed Serperior's hidden ability becouse it is hacked ? I tried to breed it with my male modest Zoroark, but all the offsprings had overgrow as ability. Can you help me ?
Nov 9, 2013 by (Luc)ario
Okay. I'll see...
Nov 9, 2013 by PKTrainerBobby
I really owe you one, first the Protean Frogadier and now something that I've been searching for for over a year. If I can do enything in return I sure like to hear it !
Nov 9, 2013 by (Luc)ario
Okay. I'm ready. My FC is...
Nov 9, 2013 by PKTrainerBobby
Nov 9, 2013 by (Luc)ario
I'll get it, should it be shiny?
Nov 9, 2013 by PKTrainerBobby