PokéBase - Pokémon Q&A

User RaidenTheSworded 雷電

Member for: 3 years (since Mar 31, 2021)
Type: Registered user
Extra privileges: Voting on questions
Voting on answers
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Gender: A person who thinks all the time has nothing to think about except thoughts. So, he loses touch with reality and lives in a world of illusions. By thoughts, I mean specifically chatter in the skull, perpetual and compulsive repetition of words of reckoning and calculating. I'm not saying that thinking is bad, like everything else, It's useful in moderation: A good servant, but a bad master. And all so-called civilized peoples, have increasingly become crazy and self-destructive, because through excessive thinking they have lost touch with reality. That's to say we confuse signs with the real world. This is the beginning of meditation. Most of us would have rather money than tangible wealth, and a great occasion is somehow spoiled for us unless photographed. And to read about it the next day in the newspaper Is oddly more fun for us than the original event. This is a disaster, for as a result of confusing the real world of nature with mere signs. We are destroying nature. We are so tied up in our minds that we've lost our senses. Time to wake up. What is reality? Obviously no one can say, because it isn't words. It isn't material, that's just an idea. Reality is... The point cannot be explained in words. I'm not trying to put you down. It's an expression of you as you are. One must live. We need to survive, to go on. We must go on.
Country: Ελλάδα (Greece)
Favorite Pokémon: Articuno, Absol, Aggron, Arcanine, Solgaleo, Necrozma, Zamazenta, Celesteela, Decidueye, Pincurchin, Pyukumuku
Friend Codes: My Wii won't eat its connection food, so yeah. No friend codes. I mainly play pc games.

•Eve Online: Nethem Akira
•World Of Warships: YamatoProvidence
•Minecraft: Nirohiyu
•Epic Games (In general): Arktøs
•Rocket League: Arktøs
•Discord: Nirohiyu#7687
•Pokemon UNITE: Nirohiyu

F1 is better than NASCAR; change my mind.
About me: Greetings, chaps. You can call me Rai or Raiden. (My name is pronounced RYE-den). You won't find me active that much here, considering the fact that my profile had been untouched for over 1 year, but I log in occasionally to see what's poppin.

Im starting to realize how cringe my younger self was, as all of us do. Time passed quickly didn't it? Remember fidget spinners, dabs, the official launch of Minecraft, card collections, Cartoon Network?


©Licensed Souvlaki Enjoyer®
And im a coffee simp too. Mocha is divinely refreshing.

My Playlist - NOW PLAYING: Song of Storms
0:35 ━❍──────── -2:32
↻     ⊲  Ⅱ  ⊳     ↺
VOLUME: ▁▂▃▄▅▆▇ 100%

Pets I own:
•Baggy (Info: Gender= Female, Species= Dog, Name Origin= Bag. We found her in a trash bin, wraped like garbage inside a plastic bag so we rescued her and boom, new member in the family.)

•Submechanophobia: Submechanophobia is a fear of submerged man-made objects, either partially or entirely underwater. (Fear Level: Moderate)
•Automatonophobia: Automatonophobia is the fear of wax figures, humanoid robots, audio-animatronics, or other figures designed to represent humans and other living beings. (Fear Level: High)
•Emetophobia: Emetophobia is the fear of vomits. (Fear Level: Very high)

•The Rising Of The Shield Hero
•Dragon Ball Super
•Avatar (both ATLA and TLOK)
•Space Battleship Yamato 2199
•Dragon Ball Z
•Sword Art Online
•One Punch Man
•Voltron: Legendary Defender

Have I also mentioned that I officially became a marvel fan?
Characters I have an obsession with include:
•Bucky Barnes
•Baron Zemo
•Captain America
•Black Panther

Sports I watch:
•Formula 1      [Team(s): RedBull/Alphatauri]
•Soccer           [Team: Olympiacos]
•Swimming     [Team: Greece]

Music Genres:
•Trap (EDM)
•Remixes and other versions of songs

...Is that the only way you can succeed, is to see me fail. ~ Vincent from Gattaca

"i am a person who does not like acount dupers. Self hatred is a serious thing, Robert." ~ A usual glimpse.

"I hate it when I see characters getting massacred and humiliated by stupid fanarts."

"If a person has no dreams, they no longer have any reason to live. Dreaming is necessary, although in the dream, reality should be glimpsed." ~ Ayrton Senna

(Oh, you are still here. Good job you made it to the Underworld)
(Btw take this: 0==|=====>, it's dangerous to go alone...)

Some sword art:
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                              \  /                                 Sword of the gods

Activity by RaidenTheSworded 雷電

Score: 50 points (ranked #2,224)
Questions: 1
Answers: 0
Comments: 1
Voted on: 26 questions, 3 answers
Gave out: 29 up votes, 0 down votes
Received: 3 up votes, 0 down votes

Wall for RaidenTheSworded 雷電

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Feb 12, 2024 by Icyyyy
Jan 27, 2024 by Icyyyy
yeah ngl season kinda gets boring sometimes but we're seeing some damn records being broken, this dude is once in a generation talent
Oct 17, 2023 by vydestiny
do you think it would've been difficult for max if checo was in constant form throughout the season?
teammates really matter, Lewis had rosberg/bottas challenging him for wins idk
Oct 12, 2023 by vydestiny
pretty good for alfa romeo though, greats points for one weekend, they've passed haas finally
Oct 10, 2023 by vydestiny
yeah pretty bad for albon as well he could've scored but the heat was pretty bad
Oct 10, 2023 by vydestiny
lmao toto probably had spain '16 flashbacks t1
Oct 9, 2023 by vydestiny
garbage race bro :V ferrrari did a ferrari again whats a fuel system issue before a race :sob:
Oct 9, 2023 by vydestiny
sainz delivered when he needed, amidst the talks of his seat being in danger
love that guy tbh
Oct 8, 2023 by vydestiny
but singaporee oml
Oct 8, 2023 by vydestiny