PokéBase - Pokémon Q&A

User geodudedude

Member for: 11 years (since Aug 2, 2013)
Type: Registered user
Extra privileges: Voting on questions
Voting on answers
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Posting on user walls
Gender: dude
Country: hoen on the charasific Island
Favorite Pokémon: swampert, charizard,blazkien,espeon,garchomp,gallade, sawk,luxray,blaziken,geodude.... in no particular order but swampert and charizard are my favorites
Friend Codes: Star wars clone wars advetures stone star.

Star wars clone wars adventures squad "the embors"


About me: -favorite righter
Rick Riordan.

Favortie book  Percy Jackson and the last olimpeon.

I feel like I could give trachy and swampert a run for there monny bc my favorite pokemon are swampert and charizard.(not yet ev trained)

I am on an island in hoen where I train with other ppls charizards!

Friends wello9 lightguardian candy trachy.



Black 2

Heart gold

I feel about trachy like cilen feels about Inkle and Emet

Activity by geodudedude

Score: 96 points (ranked #1,245)
Questions: 27 (23 with best answer chosen)
Answers: 12 (1 chosen as best)
Comments: 89
Voted on: 48 questions, 67 answers
Gave out: 115 up votes, 0 down votes
Received: 15 up votes, 14 down votes

Wall for geodudedude

This user has disallowed new posts on their wall
Hi self.
Aug 3, 2013 by geodudedude