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User gmc2805

Member for: 5 years (since Jun 18, 2019)
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but as a starter, just have fun with battling, and if you like it and want to spend along time getting a very specific pokemon, be my guest, but i MUST suggest you dabble a bit in pokemon showdown, a battle simulator, you chose what pokemon you want, what moves, abilities, everything, as long as its normal for that pokemon to use said move, but if it cant, the move selecion screen will have a red symbol next to the name of the move reading "illegal" so its easy to tell what you can and cannot use on a certin pokemon.
Jun 18, 2019 by BrokenBanette
research. for random online battles, don't really worry too much about you pokemons ev's, pay thwm heed mind you, but not too much. if you like it, then begin ti do more research for a more balanced team. by balanced i mean have your pokemon check eachothers checks (be strong againt each others weaknesses)
Jun 18, 2019 by BrokenBanette