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User kaze271996

Member for: 11 years (since Mar 7, 2014)
Type: Registered user
Extra privileges: Voting on questions
Voting on answers
Posting on user walls
Gender: secret.. Well Duh. A guy actually.
Country: Bali (well its not a country but more well-known than Indonesia)
Favorite Pokémon: Milotic, Serperior, Ninetales, Gardevoir, Mismagius, Froslass. Ah I really want to teach Freeze-dry to my Milotic (>o<)
Friend Codes: Coming Soon
About me: Favorite pokemon region: Sinnoh
Pokemon I Love:
#1 Milotic: The most beautiful pokemon in the world
#2 Gardevoir: Protect It's trainer, Yet Beautiful, Powerful one
#3 Serperior: Only the strong is worth to challenge this cool one
#4 Ninetales: Calm but inside lies fiery passions and wonders
#5 Mismagius: Underneath its cold cries lies magical happiness
#6 Froslass: The lost woman in snow who reborns
#7 Bellossom: cute
#8 Lilligant: cute too

Other Pokemon I like: Eevee, Masquerain, Blaziken, Gallade, Flygon, Luxray, Mienshao, Aurorus, Florges
Other Pokemon I like (2): Braviary, Lucario, Arcanine, Roserade, Salamence, Spiritomb, Zoroark, Steelix, Metagross, Togekiss
God/event pokemon I like: Cresselia, Darkrai, Shaymin, Meloetta, Giratina, Arceus, Jirachi, Celebi, Reshiram, Kyurem, Lati@s, Diancie
First pokemon game I played: crystal version
Favorite Starter: Charmender, Cyndaquil, Torchick, Piplup, Snivy, Fennekin
well I love FIRE STARTER more
Favorite Pokemon Trainer(Champion): Cynthia
Favorite Gym Leader: Jasmine
Favorite Move: Shadow Force, Dark Void, Light of Ruin

Random stuff:
Currently a college student and wondering if Detective Conan series will never end

Look like peoples of GAMEFREAKS have become less creative recently: Pokemon: A key, a gear, and a scoop or two Ice Cream? Whats next? A Balloon and a Toilet paper perharps. ;D
I HATE people who cheat all of their pokemon ability into wonderguard. They will never enjoy the game.

Other favorite games: The world ends with you, DotA, Ragnarok, Plants vs Zombies, Rune Factory 3, Dynasty warriors, All kinds of Megaman, Digimon, Final fantasy, and kirby
Anime/Manga I like: Rave (THIS IS THE BEST, tearjerking adventure I have ever read), TWGOK, One piece, C.M.B, Q.E.D, FMA, Law of ueki, Nurarihyon, Sayonara piano sonata, Akame ga kiru, Spiral bond of reasons, Arago, Angel Beats!, Guilty Crown, Puella Magi, Sakurasou, SAO, Hidan no Aria, How to Train your Dragon, Step Up series
Songs I Like By: Ayumi Hamasaki, supercell, Nagi Yanagi, EGOIST, Choucho, LiSA, ClariS, Ceui, Yuki Kajiura, Nomizu Iori, Ai Otsuka, Yui, Yui Horie Yui Makino, Maaya Sakamoto, Hillary Duff, Taylor Swift
Other Hobby: listening J-music, J-pop, reading manga and drawing arts

Activity by kaze271996

Score: 36 points (ranked #3,357)
Questions: 8 (8 with best answer chosen)
Answers: 0
Comments: 23
Voted on: 0 questions, 0 answers
Gave out: 0 up votes, 0 down votes
Received: 0 up votes, 0 down votes

Wall for kaze271996

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Finally I can add wall post! well for a new starter
Jul 23, 2014 by kaze271996
Yea, I hope they bring Pokemon walking behind you back :). I actually like that, have a huge Tyhplosion guarding you XD
Jul 14, 2014 by Sophisticles