About me:
I feel that I am very experienced with pokemon, battling, and techniques, as I have been learning smogon techniques before I joined this site. There isn't much to do now, and i'm forever alone on the internet, so feel free to give me company and have a showdown battle or two =]
People I have battled (saw other people do this so might as well)
OU: Wins: 2: Pikamaster, MrKijanni
RU: Wins: 1: xFizzPikamaster:
A hero lives on,
But a legend never dies.
Catching 'em all isn't my goal. It's to be the very best.
To be the best you got to beat the best!
Step by step, heart to heart, left right left,
We all fall down...
Bit by bit, torn apart, we never win...
Please excuse my totally awesome quotes :3