PokéBase - Pokémon Q&A

User rafa

Member for: 11 years (since Nov 10, 2013)
Type: Registered user
Gender: male
Country: portugal
Favorite Pokémon: scizor/mega scizor
Friend Codes: mine : 5198 - 2826 - 3369
About me: I'm a big fan of Pokémon since i was 5 years old the first game that i   played was pokemn yellow on the gameboy, then i played pokemon gold and silver also a litle bit of crystal then when i was i my first school i played pokemon emerald on my gameboy advance unfortunatly i wasn't able to play pokemn ruby and saphire then i played pokemon platinum not dimond, pearl and heartgold ,  the wii was about to came out and i played pokemon battle revolution and last i played pokemon white , black and white 2 .
Lets not forget pokemon x and y i am now playing pokemon x

Activity by rafa

Score: 20 points (ranked #7,536)
Questions: 1
Answers: 0
Comments: 0
Voted on: 0 questions, 0 answers
Gave out: 0 up votes, 0 down votes
Received: 0 up votes, 0 down votes

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