PokéBase - Pokémon Q&A

User spikypichy

Member for: 11 years (since Nov 30, 2013)
Type: Registered user
Extra privileges: Voting on questions
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Gender: (Um, I think you should know by now?!?) Female
Country: Ilex Forest, in front of a shrine-thingy
Favorite Pokémon: FAVE POKEMON FROM EACH TYPE FIRE: Mega Charizard WATER: Azumarill/Totodile GRASS: Shaymin Sky Forme NORMAL: Minccino ELECTRIC: Luxio ICE: Glaceon ROCK: Armaldo, Cranidos, Tyrunt GROUND: Cubone (So sad!) STEEL: Lucario/Mega Lucario DRAGON: Dragonair PSYCHIC: Uxie GHOST: Gengar DARK:Absol/Mega Absol POISON: Nidorina BUG: Sewaddle FLYING: Lugia FIGHTING: Virizon FAIRY: Togetic/Xerneas TOP FIVE POKEMON OF ALL TIME: 5: Lucario 4: Totodile 3: Shaymin Sky Forme 2: Azumarill 1: Drumroll, please... LUXIO!!! :) MY FAVORITE TYPES: Water and Electric!
Friend Codes: I don't really know what those are. don't blame me, though! I come from a time where cars... uh, what are cars again? :(
Um... Hi.
I'm the world's one and only talking Pichu.
Call me Spikypichy.
I have no idea how long I've lived, because I traveled through time to get here. I might be 1000, I might be 2. Who knows?

About my Epicness in battle:
Name: Spikypichy
Pokemon: Spiky-eared Pichu
Nature: Mysterious (+Atk, Def, Spe, SpA, SpD, HP. -Ugliness.)
Ability: Fairy Aura
Item: Mysterious Star Dust
Type: Electric, Fairy, and Time-Travel
Draining Kiss
Fusion Bolt
Roar of Time

Hey, what does this button do?... BOOM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Hi.  I am a huge Pokemon fan. My first ever Pokemon game was Mystery Dungeon: Explorers of Darkness. Also, my first Trainer game was Pokemon Soulsilver, in which now I have all 16 badges and a level 70 Feraligatr. My other trainer game is X. I restarted it, with a Chesnaught (yay!) and a Charizard. Love my games!!! (BTW, made the awesome pic in Paint)

Bet you didn't know that my first Pokemon card was a Turtwig.

(All of my family's Pokemon games: Explorers of Darkness, Explorers of Sky, Blue Rescue Team, Pokemon X, Soulsilver, Pokemon Diamond, White 2, Ranger: Guardian Signs, Pokemon Conquest)

Activity by spikypichy

Score: 62 points (ranked #1,824)
Questions: 16 (16 with best answer chosen)
Answers: 3
Comments: 22
Voted on: 1 question, 10 answers
Gave out: 11 up votes, 0 down votes
Received: 2 up votes, 1 down vote

Wall for spikypichy

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