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My shiny Gastly will soon be evolving into a haunter and I wanted to know at what level shound I evolve my Haunter into a Gengar.

I know that if you evolve it sooner it gets stronger and if you don't it learns moves quicker, but does Haunter learn any moves worth waiting for?

I will be glad to get any advice as to when I should evolve it, if you can please say what level instead of saying 'until it learns dark pulse' or something like that.

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2 Answers

4 votes
Best answer

As soon as possible! Haunter doesn't learn any moves through level-up that Gengar can't (and it learns all of its moves at the same level). This is true for every main series game.

Level-up moves limited to the pre-evolution are the only reason you should ever consider delaying evolution. There is no truth in what you heard about Pokemon becoming stronger if you hold off evolution.

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1 vote

As soon as it is evolved into haunter evolve it into gengar. Haunter and gengar have the same movepool and if you evolve it into gengar it will be much stronger and gain a large movepool.So evolve it as soon as it is evolved into haunter.But first you need to trade to get gengar.Hope this helps.
