Meta-PokéBase Q&A
31 votes

If your post was hidden or closed, you can use this thread to ask why or appeal the decision. Any new posts asking why questions were hidden will be hidden.

A staff member or somebody experienced with the community will reply to your post. You may also choose to raise the issue directly with the staff member who removed the post, via their wall.

Before starting, please read the steps below.

Step 1: Read the rules page. You should have done this already, but do it again even if you have. It is our best effort to list every reason why a post might be removed. The most common reasons are:

  • the post was a duplicate, i.e. the question was already asked or a very similar answer already existed.
  • the question was made on the wrong section.
  • the post was a trade/friend code request.
  • the question was unclear or lacked detail needed to be answerable.
  • the answer lacked explanation or was clearly unresearched.
  • the post was on a moveset question and broke moveset question guidelines.
  • the post was a discussion thread, opinion question, or poll.
  • the question was of the form "What is a good moveset..." or "What is a good team..."

If you've read the rules thoroughly and you're sure your post didn't fit any of the categories, read onward.

Step 2: Locate your post and provide a link to it, so we know which post you're talking about. If your post was indeed taken down, you should be able to find a notification about it in your updates area, or find it through your Ctrl + H browser history. If all else fails, describe your post thoroughly so we can find it.

Step 3: Check your post using the link you found. It is possible your post is public and you simply couldn't find it. You'll know that it's indeed hidden if it is faded white -- in that case, proceed onward. Otherwise, it is either public or pending review -- in that case, just wait for somebody to get to it.

If you've verified your post is in fact hidden, and you've got a link (or good description) for it...

Step 4: Leave a message here! Paste the link to your post and give context if you deem necessary. Please be nice and we'll be nice to you.

Posts here are removed over time to prevent clutter.

Hey you, did you actually read these steps before posting? In full? Ignoring things is probably what got you here in the first place!

edited by
i was reading this and I still feel sad no one likes my answers i hate how I’m not welcome..
You are not unwelcome. If you put more research into your answers and make sure they are relevant to the question, then they will be received better.
I asked a question, and gave out two answers as well.
It's not showing up on my account. Why? Could anyone help? Also, one answer showed up, and now i have 12 points. Please help?
@Seven of Nine(tails) I found one of your hidden answers:
This answer was hidden because it does not include EVs, which we require for all moveset answers. If you don't know what EVs are, there are many guides online that go over what they are.
If you posted the question 17 hours ago, along with the other two posts, then I couldn't find it. Maybe you forgot to click "Ask the question"?
@Seven of Nine(tails) did you follow the steps in the main post? You would have been able to find the post KRLW890 linked above by going to your updates list (step #2).
The reason you have 12 points instead of 20 is that you received -10 points for getting a down-vote, and +2 points for selecting an answer to your question. Read the following for more information:
It is possible that you can't see your posts because you are looking for them on the wrong section. For example, if you are here on the Meta section, then you won't see posts you sent to the main section. Here is a link to your profile on the main section, where one question and one answer are available:
As KRLW890 described above, I removed one of your answers. If there are more that you are not sure about, please describe them or link to them (per step #2) so we know what to explain.

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