Meta-PokéBase Q&A
10 votes


Use this thread to share questions with answer/s that are outdated, or otherwise do not resolve the question satisfactorily. A person with the relevant knowledge can post an improved answer.

When posting, please use the following structure to make this thread easier to read.

Title: Copy-paste the exact question title here, and link the text to the question.
Date: Put the month and year the question was posted here.

Description: Describe exactly what an answer should include to resolve the question properly, and why the existing answer/s are not satisfactory. If the question is especially easy or difficult to update, make a note.

Priority: Low, medium or high; use your discretion. Questions with high traffic (thousands of views) and very poor answers should be given more priority.

Copyable version:




If you update an answer on this thread, please flag the answer that reported it, so we can check that the problems are resolved and then remove the post from this list.

Please up-vote submissions containing questions that urgently need an update.

Comments contributing to a potential new answer are very welcome, but consider putting them on the actual thread for the question instead of here.

Questions must be at least one week old to be posted here.

Appropriate submissions

DO report:

  • Questions whose answers are out of date. (For example, the question might ask for a certain list of moves, and hasn't been updated for recent generations.)
  • Questions whose answers are incorrect, or do not contain good advice.
  • Questions with incomplete answers, or answers that are too brief to resolve the question adequately.
  • Questions with low quality answers (e.g. poor grammar, lack of explanation/detail, lack of referencing, only contains a link).

DON'T report:

  • Unanswered questions. This thread is for questions that have answers which are unsatisfactory.
  • Questions that break the rules. Please flag those questions instead.
  • Questions that are not at least one week old.
  • Questions with some up-to-date answers, and some out-of-date answers. There only needs to be one correct answer. If that answer is not selected as best, then you should flag it.
  • Meta suggestions or reports (which are Pokemaster's responsibility, not the community's).
  • RMT threads, which are discussion-oriented and have lower importance to future viewers.
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Wouldn't it be better if you condense your answers in a single answer ._.
No, I’ve explained this in the post. they’re to be flagged and hidden once someone updates them, and harder to answer ones are to be upvoted to be kept on top of the thread. This is to keep things organized and clean, and draw new eyes to each individual post. It’s easier to maintain than having to constantly edit posts.

If I had an answer with 100+ links, it’s harder on the eyes. It’ll discourage people from wanting to read it. Imagine a new user doing this with really poor formatting; it’ll be just awful. And then, someone will have to hide every single comment saying “I answered this”, and edit the post. The person stating they commented it would have to be more specific about which post. The amount of edits will clog the activity feed, and the excessive comments will slow down the site. If they’re individual answers, PM can eventually delete the old hidden ones (alongside the comments) to keep things functional. Having them be hidden prevents flood in activity stream. And the organization of it will encourage people to look and answer.
Are we also allowed to mention questions/answers (mainly answers) with broken images or images that no longer exist so someone with Expert+ can remove them?
You should just flag those.
I changed the age requirement from one month to one week. I think that's long enough to where the typical thread will drop out of recent activity and need advertising here to be revisited.

23 Answers

3 votes

Title: Does the rainbow created from Water and Fire Pledge increases the chance of Stench, King's Rock and Poison Touch?
Date: 2022 March

Description: One answer is incomplete and not backed up by anything. The other answer is not explicitly supported by its source, and it disagrees with a Bulbapedia page.

Priority: Low, the question asks about a very rare battle mechanic and has a few views.

This got edited to agree with Bulbapedia.
What about stench and poison touch? The Bulbapedia articles aren't very clear about this.
My bad, didn’t read it thoroughly. Just answered the question.
clearing flag because I think the answer is still not credible
3 votes

Title: Does Transform work against glitch Pokemon?
Date: Oct 2012

Description: Current answer is incorrect and says some really silly things about glitch Pokemon. The main point you will need to drive home in an answer is that "glitch Pokemon" is an extremely broad category, and not all glitch Pokemon will interact with Transform the same way. Maybe give some examples.

Priority: Question is viewed often, high.

2 votes

Title: What happens if you have a hacked Pokemon?
Date: Aug 2015

Description: Players have been banned for reckless hacking that can be proven by game servers (e.g. player account details). Current answer is otherwise accurate.

Priority: Moderate. Question gets some traffic and the answer is not a complete picture.

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2 votes

Title: Does Illusion trick the AI?
Date: Jul 2014

Description: The answer on it is simply an assumption and although by an Expert, doesn't have any facts or sources backing it up.

Priority: Depends on whether the internet has the information straight up available or not. The answer is not satisfactory.

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How are you defining "priority", "difficulty" and "traffic"? Are priority and traffic proportional? And difficulty level for any question is very relative; sometimes it's just where to look and not how to look.
Thanks for asking, I was willing to explain those factors somewhere.

First of all, priority is totally based on my opinion and staff may feel free to change it. Traffic is purely based on view count. Most questions with high views still receive high traffic unless they were specific to a limited time period. Yes, priority and traffic are proportional, but the main factors which may increase priority is the relevance of the question. For example, a question about Legends: Arceus may not have high views due to being pretty new, but it'll have high priority due to being about a game everyone's playing.

I agree difficulty depends on where to look, and that's why I've put "depends on whether the information is straight up available or not" in some answers for difficulty. But for some questions like 'List of shiny locked Pokémon in USUM', the one about the event Sandshrew, or one requiring data mining, difficulty is pretty clear (being extremely easy, extremely hard and extremely hard).
Commenting twice because I have a stupid 1024 character limit.

Traffic of questions has been set in the following way:
100K+ views : Extremely high
50K-100K : Very high
25K-50K : High
5K-25K : Moderate
2K-5K : Low
500-2K : Very low
<500 : Extremely low
(Are there too many divisions?)

Priority may also be affected by the answer (bad/no answer increases it while answers which only need small changes decrease it), the age of the question (newer ones having higher priority), overall relevance of the question (how many generations / time periods it is helpful for) and for low traffic questions, whether the OP is active or not.
I've added a structure to the OP that is more loosely defined, so people submitting posts can give their own valuations.
That sounds good! No more long blue lines of joined text. :P
2 votes

Title: What are best levels to evolve Eevee into each evolution?
Date: Sep. 2017

Description: Current answer mistakes experience yield for a Pokémon's growth rate, therefore being incorrect. Though the asker asks for XY specifically, considering how much attention the question garnered, it might be best to answer it for all games where Eevee can be used in a playthrough team, considering possible matchups and moves Eevee can learn before or after evolving that it would otherwise miss out on.

Priority: High, considering its view count.

1 vote

Title: Looking for a programmable event Pokemon list?
Date: Apr 2016

Description: Question asks for a list of event distributions in a parsable format. Answer says this does not exist, which is of course difficult to verify.

Priority: Low. Question has little traffic and is unlikely to get a better answer.

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I would almost consider this resolved. I'm confident that data in this form does not exist, as the answer says. It certainly does not exist anywhere that is actively maintained.
That is true; OP hasn't shown any activity in 6 years and I don't think anyone else would require the same information (if it even exists), so should we just select the BA and get done with it?
1 vote

Title: Why won't berries grow in Ruby/Sapphire if the internal clock is working?
Date: Nov 2013

Description: The current answer is random speculation. A good answer needs to cover the Berry glitch (the most likely explanation) and the RTC lag problem (the second most likely explanation; explained in this slightly different question).

Priority: Medium. The question doesn't have super-high traffic but it's the main PokeBase thread for this problem, as far as I can tell. I may answer this myself when I have more time.

1 vote

Title: Is there a reason why my Japanese Gen 4 games are faster than my English copies?
Date: Jul 2021

Description: Answer is clearly unsatisfactory and lacking in detail.

Priority: Medium, question has some views.

1 vote

Title: Can someone please explain all the Showdown! formats and how they work? I'm especially confused with CAP?
Date: May 2017

Description: Needs to be updated with (usually lesser-known) formats such as Godly Gift, Pokebilities, Cross Evolution, etc.

Priority: Moderate, also concerns a recent question that asks for descriptions of all the Showdown formats not in Smogon.

1 vote

Title: What are the list of signature moves that is marked as "usually useless" on Showdown!
Date: Dec 2020

Description: Needs to be updated to PLA and SV. I know SV has one in the Arboliva line's move being Terrain Pulse.

Priority: Very low.

1 vote

Title: Which Pokemon cannot learn moves of their own type?
Date: Aug 2012

Description: Answer is outdated and was even incorrect at the time, e.g, Beldum and Take Down.

Priority: low

1 vote

Title: What is the highest damage multiplier you can get from type effectiveness?
Date: Jul 2014

Description: ...Question misleads the answer. Answers are definitely wrong.

Priority: low to moderate

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I was reading through that, I was also not sure about that question. The selected answer mentions flame charge, but the asker specifically said not to include stat boosting moves. I think it’d be more clear if the title was something like “what is the highest damage multiplier you can get from type effectiveness?” or something similar.
if I understand what the question is asking, only effects that are directly related to types should be taken into account
I edited the title and am working on a better description
1 vote

Title: Are there any patches of grass in XY or DPPt where only one Pokemon can spawn?
Date: Sep 2016

Description: Answers have no research and don't really answer the question

Priority: low

I think I've seen all the DPPt tall grass encounter tables and there are no 100%s, but it would still take a while to confirm for sure.
1 vote

Title: What are all the routes that Roaming Legendaries can appear on in all games?
Date: Oct 2017

Description: Outdated, unselected, and incomplete

Priority: medium

1 vote

Title: How much do Suction Cups and Sticky Hold increase the fishing encounter rate in X/Y?
Date: Jan 2014

Description: Recent comments have cast doubt over the accuracy of the existing answer. A new answer will need to account for other factors boosting the encounter rate before drawing conclusions about the abilities in question. In-game testing likely required to answer.

Priority: low

1 vote

Title: What is there do to in the post-game of Pokemon Scarlet / Violet?
Date: Dec 2022

Description: Existing answer may not be thorough (i.e. there is more you can do).

Priority: low

1 vote

Title: Which Pokemon are most efficient at soloing Pokemon League rematches in Black 2 and White 2?
Date: July 2023

Description: While the answer is technically complete, it doesn't go as in-depth as this question requests. Suggestions seem to be little more than guesswork instead of being playtested.

Priority: Medium. Less than a thousand views, but this could be a very helpful guide on a subject that otherwise doesn't have much documentation.

0 votes

Title: Why do some Pokemon in X eat slower than others?
Date: Jun 2014

Description: This question I asked when I was like 11 about Pokémon eating in XY. I didn’t BA it because I felt like it was wrong. The more I think about it, the more I’m convinced it was wrong. The more I test it’s just…. No. Anyways if anyone could fact-check this that would be cool. I mean it’s not wrong wrong but I swear this is different still. It’s different just trust me

Priority: Question has low traffic and is only missing information per anecdotal evidence.

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What are you trying to say? You seem more lost than Dora The Explorer without her map LMAO.

"The more I test this it's just... No."

"I mean it's not wrong wrong but I swear this is different still. It's different just trust me"

Edit: I read that answer and the Bulbapedia article and it seems perfectly fine. Your Eevee ate slowly cause it has a higher Fullness value than Pikachu.
Even when they have the same fullness, it’s different. Yes, the answer is correct in that what they meant wasn’t wrong, but even with same fullness they have different default speeds
How do you know they have different eating speeds even with the same fullness? Have you tested it before or have a source?
… yes, that’s why I said I’m not satisfied with the current answer
Oh so you want to know if pokémon with same fullness have different default eating speeds? It's highly unlikely that's the case, because if it was then it would've been discovered till now and mentioned on the Bulbapedia page. The game is 8 years old now, and I don't think such a thing would remain undiscovered. Waiting for someone to confirm this won't help tbh. So yeah, pokemon have the same default speed at same fullness as far as I can see.
I think you should ask a separate question that reads: "Do Pokemon eat at different speeds by default in Pokemon Amie?"
If what you describe can be proven then it can be added to the existing answer on the existing question.
0 votes

Title: What Pokemon have remained in OU since the generation they released?
Date: November 2016

Description: The answer is only up to Gen 6, and many Pokemon were added or changed tiers since then.

Priority: Low

If a mon fell to UU but rose back to OU before the gen ended, should it be counted?  For example I think Gliscor fell to UU st some point,  but it ended every gen in OU.
According to the answer, Gliscor has always been OU, and the answerer only counted Pokemon that have never dropped from OU
I think Gliscor fell to UU in gen 6 or 7 for a month or two. It propably shouldn't count Gliscor if that's case.
0 votes

Title: Gardevoir or Gallade for XY online battles?
Date: April 21/23

Description: OP would like a more detailed answer on which is better.

Priority: low.
