Meta-PokéBase Q&A

User MangoBrick

Member for: 2 years (since Oct 1, 2022)
Type: Registered user
Extra privileges: Voting on questions
Voting on answers
Voting posts down
Flagging posts
Posting on user walls
Country: put em in the tundra
Favorite Pokémon: DelpHox because it was my first Pokémon ever, due to me falling in love witH my level 5 Fennekin immediately.
Friend Codes: DS: 5000-3261-9903
SwitcH: SW-7659-2664-7389
SHowdown: RedMikki07

I won't add you unless I know you.
About me: Intro:
Hey tHere, my name is MangoBrick. I'm a 17 year old, a Pokémon fan since 6 years old (XY), and I've been using tHe site since witHout an account, so I finally got an account. You can call me wHatever you want, at tHis point I don't really care. Feel free to talk to me about anytHing, unless it Has to do witH anime, tHe bane of my existence.

- I'm on a journey to “complete” all games I own currently (scroll down for a list), tHen start from Sw/SH. "Complete" means a living dex, gold Trainer cards, all important items (plates, orbs, stones, crystals, etc.), one "perfect" Pokémon (EVs, IVs, moves, nature, item, basically a competitive set), and any relevant side quests.
- I'm currently about to migrate my full Gen 7 Living Dex to Home.

Favorite Pokémon by Type (primary type if dual):
Bug: Ninjask
Dark: Mega-Houndoom / Mega-Absol / Galarian Moltres
Dragon: Latias
Electric: Mareep (religious obligation) / Miraidon
Fairy: Xerneas
FigHting: Sneasler
Fire: DelpHox
Flying: CorviknigHt
GHost: Spectrier
Grass: Grovyle
Ground: Iron Treads
Ice: Alolan Ninetales
Normal: Hisuian Zorua
Poison: Drapion
PsycHic: Mega-Gardevoir / Lunala
Rock: Alolan Golem / Mega-Diancie
Steel: Skarmory / Cobalion
Water: Swampert / SHarpedo / Primarina

1. Idiot Club
2. Lord Mareep Cult

Games I own:
1. Diamond
2. Platinum (two copies idk wHy)
3. Black 2
4. X
5. Y
6. Sun
7. Moon
8. Ultra Sun
9. Ultra Moon
10. LGP
11. LGE

User History:
10/1/22: Account created, first posts and answers, first upvote, first wall post, all tHat goodness
10/2/22: Woke up to first BA, wooooo
10/4/22: 100 Points
11/18/22: 250 Points
1/4/23: Top 500 of users
2/8/23: 500 Points
4/19/23: Page 5 of users (Top 300)
5/22/23: 1000 Points
8/15/23: 2500 Points

Name CHanges:
1. RedMikki07
2. BlueVicky70 (for like a minute)
3. AcidicHallucination (a day or two)
4. Hallucinogens
5. MangoBrick (current)

Activity by MangoBrick

Score: 254 points (ranked #151)
Questions: 4 (2 with best answer chosen)
Answers: 5
Comments: 58
Voted on: 14 questions, 18 answers
Gave out: 32 up votes, 0 down votes
Received: 24 up votes, 1 down vote

Wall for MangoBrick

Please log in or register to post on this wall.
Mar 16 by mee
Mar 8 by Mahathirio
Thank you :D
Jan 11 by ~Silver~
Just a random question, you don't have to answer it, but what scores did you get on SAT/ACT and GPA to get into UVA? I'm just wondering because I'm kinda worried about that stuff
Jan 4 by PeeKayFreeze
Haven't seen you in a while (long time) but congrats on getting into UVA it's a top school!
Jan 2 by PeeKayFreeze
Merry christmas
Your gift: uva rejects you (jk)
Dec 26, 2024 by BananaBroSHSID
Merry Christmas
Dec 25, 2024 by Ferarri
Dec 17, 2024 by MangoBrick
Dec 13, 2024 by J™
Ok I gotta ask if uva is University of Virginia
Dec 13, 2024 by J™