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I don't have much experience with Zorua/ark (by that I mean I've never used one in-game) and I wanted to know, does it trick the AI?
For example, I send out my Zoroark and it uses Illusion to look like my Arcanine against a (trainer) Pokemon with Brick Break and Aqua Jet. Would that trainer use Brick Break or Aqua Jet?
Thanks in advance.
EDIT: I assume If a trainer Pokemon has a move that is SE against your Pokemon, it will always use it.

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Good question.

1 Answer

0 votes

They probably are tricked.

The AI in the games isn't known for being overwhelmingly...clever.

It probably does trick them into thinking it's some other Pokemon, but that still doesn't mean they would use a move that's super effective against any of those, but it probably increases the chances.

I can't confirm this as info on it isn't overflowing the internet, but it would be my best assumption.

Hope this helps.

usually in battle tower
the next trainer usually has a team that counters your team (cheap right?)
and i had a lead zoroak and illusioned into a toxicroak
whenever i get to the next trainer there is always a pokemon that is psychic or counters toxicroak in typing
also if they used psychic and doesnt effect the AI assumes its zoroak sometimes..
Yep. AI are stupid. They can't recognize Zoroark when it's Illusion is up. Evidence is in Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon, during the Ultra Necrozma fight, when you lead with Zoroark disguised as a Pokémon 4x weak to Psychic type moves like Toxicroak, Ultra Necrozma will use Photon Geyser on you, thinking that you're Toxicroak, but the "Toxicroak" will be unaffected.