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If you didn't get it, I mean the greatest amount of multipliers you can factor to base power, like STAB and super effectiveness. Like how Dry Skin Parasects are 5x weak to Fire types. You must include:

  1. STAB
  2. Super effectiveness
  3. Abilities (if they affect power)
  4. Items
  5. The attacking move
  6. The attacking Pokemon
  7. The defending Pokemon

PS: Don't include any boosts like bulk up, as these impact Atk/Sp.Atk stats, not base power.

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nothing is more than x4 to Flying Press and Trick-or-Treat is no good, since Ghost is only weak to Ghost and Dark and Ghost is only SE against Ghost.
im actually stumped here, the x5 on Parasect might be the most effctive an attack can be

3 Answers

2 votes
Best answer

Best I can come up with so far:

Victini in triple battle, inherits Pure Power from using Skill Swap, holding Metronome, after using Flame Charge 5 times, with one ally that has Flower Gift ability, both allies using Helping Hand on the same turn, during harsh sunlight, against Scizor with Dry Skin ability affected by Forest's Curse.

Type: 2x2=4
Forest's Curse: 4x2=8
Pure Power: 8x2=16
Metronome: 16x2=32
Flower Gift: 32x1.5=48
Helping Hand: 48x1.5x1.5=72x1.5=108
Sunlight: 108x1.5=162
Dry Skin: 162x1.25=202.5
And finally, STAB: 202.5x1.5=303.75

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4 votes

Type effectiveness is a very narrow classification. The only things that fall under that description are the actual type chart multipliers (as possibly modified by Freeze-Dry and Flying Press's special mechanics), plus Tar Shot (creates an additional x2 multiplier against Fire moves) and Tera Shell (replaces whatever the type effectiveness would be, with 0.5 if Terapagos is at full health). STAB is not treated as a type effectiveness multiplier, weather is not treated as a type effectiveness multiplier, and even Dry Skin or Fluffy are not treated as type effectiveness multipliers.

Counting only things that are actually type multipliers, the best you can do in the current games is x16, achieved by using Forest's Curse (Trevenant's signature move) against a Pokemon like Scizor or Snom to give it a third type, Tar Shot (Coalossal's signature move) to give it an additional Fire weakness separate from any type, then hit it with a fire move. The highest type multiplier that has ever been legally achievable in any game is x32, for which you have to play in an Inverse Battle (most easily done in gen 6), have Smeargle Skill Swap its own ability to Normalize (Delcatty's signature ability), have the opponent send out an Aggron, then use Trick-or-Treat against the Aggron and finally hit it with Flying Press, which thus counts both Normal and Flying type matchups on the Inverse Battle type chart against Aggron's Steel/Rock/Ghost typing. The programmers designed this field to hold values as large as x64, but there's no way to reach that limit.

Other effects generally go into one of three places: move power multipliers, stat multipliers, and damage multipliers.
Move power multipliers include things like plates, other type-boost items, terrain boosts, Helping Hand, some ability boosts like Technician or Analytic, Dry Skin (against fire moves, it works as a move power multiplier on the opponent's move), and Rollout's escalating effect that can count up to x16 or even x32. Enumerating which of these multipliers can possibly coexist is complicated, variable depending on the game, and also not the point of the question.
Stat multipliers include the basic stat stages; items such as Light Ball, Thick Club, and Eviolite; a different set of abilities like Overgrow or Solar Power; Thick Fat (when this ability applies, it's actually implemented as a multiplier that reduces the opponent's attacking stat), and Flower Gift in games where that ability is usable. A Marowak with +6 Attack, Thick Club, its ability swapped to Pure Power, and a Cherrim teammate for Flower Gift in sun will have an Attack stat multiplier of x24. If you're playing gen 6 so that Triples exists, and give it two Flower Gift teammates at once, you can get to x36 that way.
Damage multipliers include things at the end of the calculation after you've already combined the other numbers. This is where STAB and weather multipliers go, and they also include screens, Life Orb, yet another set of abilities like Sniper or Tinted Lens, and the opponent's Solid Rock or Fluffy.

3 votes

Forest's Curse to the rescue!

  • A Scizor with Forest's Curse taking a Flamethrower to tha face from Numel. (x6 Super Effective + STAB)

  • A Weavile with Forest's Curse taking a Flying Press to tha face from Hawlucha. (x6 Super Effective + STAB)

  • A Malamar with Forest's Curse taking a Bug Bite to tha face from Spewpa. (x6 Super Effective + STAB)

  • A Garchomp with Forest's Curse taking an Ice Beam to tha face from Snorunt. (x6 Super Effective + STAB)

  • A Landorus with Forest's Curse taking an Ice Beam to tha face from Snorunt. (x6 Super Effective + STAB)

  • An Altaria with Forest's Curse taking an Ice Beam to tha face from Snorunt. (x6 Super Effective + STAB)

  • A Heracross with Forest's Curse taking a Peck to tha face from Spearow. (x6 Super Effective + STAB)

If I think of anything else, I'll edit it in

Massive props to Sir_Mudkip and Sempi for helping me out!

Counting hacks and such, this is the most boost you can have on a move

  • A Scizor with Forest's Curse and the ability Dry Skin taking a Flamethrower to tha face from Numel (x7.5 Super Effective + STAB)

Please note that any Pokémon with the same typing will also have the same damage. Eg. Escavalier or Dragonite.

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I believe you need a lesson in mathematics. Scizor with additional Grass type courtesy of Forest's Curse makes its typing (BUG/STE/GRA). The effectiveness multiplies, meaning it has an 8x weakness (2x2x2) rather than a 6x weakness (2+2+2). Adding the Dry Skin ability means an additional 25% (8x1.25=10) and if the attack hits during sunlight, the damage increases by an additional 50% (10x1.5=15). PLUS. STAB.

Numel uses Fire Blast on Scizor (Dry Skin) with Forest's Curse during harsh sunlight. (15x effective plus STAB)
Now, if you want to factor in STAB, abilities and items

Infernape with Iron Fist (Choice Band) uses Fire Punch on Scizor with Dry Skin (Forest's Curse) during harsh sunlight:
Type (2x2=4) FC (4x2=8) STAB (8x1.5=12) Iron Fist (12x1.2=14.4) Choice (14.4x1.5=21.6) Sun (21.6x1.5=32.4)
For a grand total of 32.4x damage.
Ignoring stat boosts and critical hits.
In the first few examples, shouldn't it be 8x? Or is it 6x? I always thought it was 8x. Thanks.
As I stated above, the effectiveness should MULTIPLY. If an attack deals double damage to 2 types of a corresponding dual-type, eg Brick Break against Bisharp (STE/DAR), the power is doubled twice (4x effective), whereas if an attack is super effective against one of a Pokémon's types but neutral to the other, eg Waterfall against Excadrill (GRO/STE), the attack is 2x effective, not 3x effective. 2x1=2, not 2+1=3. In the rare case of a triple weakness as used in these examples, the type effectiveness is 2x2x2 or 2*3, a neutral effectiveness of 1x is essentially doubled three times. In contrast, using an Ice type attack on Dewgong (WAT/ICE) with the ability Thick Fat is 1/8x effective. The math here is 0.5x0.5x0.5 or 1/2*3.
4x weakness x2 should be 8x, not 6.