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User JustATypicalPerson

Member for: 4 years (since Jan 7, 2021)
Type: Expert
Extra privileges: Voting on questions
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Posting on user walls
Gender: Male, the kind made with flesh instead of paper
Country: Scatman's World
Favorite Pokémon: Hint: Quagsire (or is it?)
Friend Codes: Showdown: JustATypicalPerson
I bet you're tired of people being confused of what this is.
About me: Heya, I'm JustATypicalPerson, or JATP for short, which I'm not. I like the highest-grossing media franchise Pokémon and the dopamine received when numbers go up, but you probably already know that. In fact, you can say that is quite standard, as I don't believe anyone would come to this site if they didn't like Pokémon very much. This About Me is just a bunch of ridiculous nonsense I wrote years ago, so if that's your thing, have fun reading through it!

I'm a typical person inhabiting a typical world alongside other typical people. That truly is quite typical, is it not? Since JustATypicalPerson is such a long name, you're welcome to abbreviate it to JATP, just as I did earlier. Or you can call me whatever, I'm not your mom.

This account can’t be used. It’s recommended that this account is deleted. Once deleted, this account can’t be used.

Before continuing to read my about me, please fill out the following terms and services:
I believe in Beedrill supremacy ▢
I think Water/Ground types are very nice ▢
I would like to receive spam emails of deep-fried memes ▢
I pledge my allegiance to the side of Cherrim in the great war ▢
I like checking boxes ▢

PokeBase Dates:
100 Points - September 8th, 2021
200 Points - September 23th, 2021
300 Points - October 16th, 2021
400 Points - October 20th, 2021
500 Points - November 6th, 2021
750 Points - January 11th, 2022
1000 Points - March 4th, 2022
2000 Points - June 1st, 2022
3000 Points - December 8th, 2024, took me long enough!
Expert Role - December 31st, 2024
4000 Points - January 26th, 2025
5000 Points - Mayday

Name Changes:
JustATypicalPerson -> JustATypicalPerson -> JustATypicalPerson

Favorite Pokemon of each type:

Normal - Regigigas
Fire - Blacephalon
Water - Quagsire
Electric - Minun
Grass - Cherrim
Ice - Regice
Fighting - Hitmonchan
Poison - Clodsire
Ground - Golurk
Flying - Staravia
Psychic - Meloetta
Bug - Ninjask
Rock - Shuckle
Ghost - Dusknoir
Dragon - Palkia
Dark - Lokix
Steel - Metagross
Fairy - Whimsicott
Feel free to attack me for any of my choices on my wall, I'll care to notice them. Though, these change every 27 seconds, so this list is likely outdated

Recent Shinies:
- Starly (SP, REs)
- Wooper (Scarlet, Sparkling Power)
- Cutiefly (Scarlet, Sparkling Power)
- Cottonee (Scarlet, MM)
- Beldum (SP, MM)

~~- Put-~- This-~- Ribbon-~- On-~- Your-~- Wall-~- If-~- You-~- Think-~- Impidimp-~- Is-~- Cooler-~- Than-~-Absol-~- and -~- Umbreon -~-

Can somebody tell me how to get Yoshi in Pokemon RBY, I really want to shiny hunt him, and I can't manage to find him anywhere! Thanks for the help!

What do you prefer to run on Sunkern, Dynamax Cannon or Core Enforcer? I personally like running Behemoth Blade, and occasionally V-Create, but that's niche.


I'm JustATypicalPerson, I think that's quite obvious
- A Man

When I first started fishing, catching anything made me happy. But those days are long gone now... Now I get annoyed if I can't beat my record by even an inch...
- A Fisherman on Route 222

It's one thing to enjoy leisurely battles, but real battles can be a severe trial. Truly strong Trainers must sometimes be prepared to choose Pokemon that can win rather than their favorite Pokemon.
- A Gentleman at the ORAS Battle Frontier

Just a what?

Activity by JustATypicalPerson

Score: 422 points (ranked #103)
Questions: 5 (1 with best answer chosen)
Answers: 10 (1 chosen as best)
Comments: 23
Voted on: 13 questions, 9 answers
Gave out: 22 up votes, 0 down votes
Received: 40 up votes, 2 down votes

Wall for JustATypicalPerson

Please log in or register to post on this wall.
Thanks man. Take care.
11 hours ago by Amethyst
ok wait idk how it took me almost a month to notice this but why does it concern you that you got promoted alongside me?
Jan 29 by BananaBroSHSID
oh hey you hit top 100 users :o
Jan 28 by BananaBroSHSID
Funny thing is, I actually got the idea from this thread. The OP specifically mentioned they saved, and I remembered that for all 3000+ of my encounters, I was saved in front of the giratina.

This does raise some questions about does it matter where you save, like in the room, outside of it, etc. I do remember accidentally moving before encountering it, so it definitely has to do with save position.

Thanks again for your help though!
Jan 20 by Mr. Fish
Can you try fighting the giratina again but saving directly in front of it before doing so?
Jan 20 by Mr. Fish
Jan 20 by Amethyst
Not at all! Just so long as you're voting on account of what I'm writing, not who I am :P
Jan 19 by Amethyst
Wait I figured it out
Jan 19 by Mr. Fish
Do you have the audio enabled?
Jan 19 by Mr. Fish
You're going to singlehandedly get me past Mewderator at this rate :P
Jan 19 by Amethyst