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Can someone make a list of all the abilities that grant immunities such as levitate and dry skin?
Too lazy to find out myself :P


2 Answers

7 votes
Best answer

Dry Skin - Gain 25% of health when hit by Water attack, Fire attacks do 25% more damage, Take damage in Sunshine, Heal in Rain.
Flash Fire - +1 SpA When hit by Fire attack
Levitate - Immune to Ground moves
Lightningrod - +1 SpA when hit by Electric Attack
Sap Sipper - +1 Attack when hit by Grass Attack
Motor Drive - +1 Spe when hit by Electric Attack
Storm Drain - +1 SpA When hit by Water Attack
Volt Absorb - Regain 25% of health when hit by Electric attack
Water Absorb - Regain 25% of health when hit by Water attack
WonderGuard - Immune to all types that aren't super effective
Soundproof/Cacophony - All sound moves are rendered ineffective
Bulletproof - Ball and Bomb moves do no damage
Suction Cups - Pokemon is immune to Roar and Whirlwind
White Smoke/Clear Body - Pokemon is immune to Stat lowering Abilities and moves used by the opponent
Big Pecks / Hyper Cutter / Keen Eye - Same effect as above, except for defense and attack and accuracy only (respectively)
Immunity - Provides Pokemon immunity to Poison
Insomnia - Provides Pokemon immunity to Sleep
Magic Guard - Immunity to all damage not caused by attacks
Oblivious/Own Tempo - Prevents confusion
Overcoat - Immune to weather damage
Sweet Veil** - Immunity to sleep (Extends across whole team)

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Sylenzo but only after you get hit by a fire move... only if i remember right tho...
For fire immunity, there's also Well-Baked Body on Dachsbun.
for those who are still finding this page in search results, there's also wind rider, for flying immunity
WhyCatsHateFlying is kind of wrong, Wind Rider does not give immunity to Flying Moves, it gives immunity to WIND Moves, this includes moves like Twister (Dragon), Gust (Flying), and Heat Wave (Fire), but does NOT include Flying moves like Dual Wingbeat or Brave Bird.
what about earth eater for Orthworm?
Ground type moves heal
2 votes

Updated Answer as of Gen 9

The following abilities grant Pokemon immunities, whether it is from specific moves, abilities, or status conditions:

Armor Tail/Dazzling/Queenly Majesty: Gives Pokemon with one of these abilities and their allies an immunity to priority moves
Aroma Veil: Gives Pokemon with this ability and its allies an immunity to moves/abilities that limit its move choices (Taunt, Torment, Disable, Encore, Heal Block, infatuation, Cursed Body. Note that Psychic Noise will only deal damage and not activate the Heal Block effect it has when used on a Pokemon with Aroma Veil and its allies)
Big Pecks: Gives Pokemon with this ability an immunity to Defense lowering moves
Bulletproof: Gives Pokemon with this ability an immunity to ball and bomb moves
Comatose: Pokemon cannot be statused and is considered to be asleep
Clear Body/Full Metal Body/White Smoke: Prevents stat drops from moves and Abilities
Dry Skin/Water Absorb: Restores 1/4 HP when hit by a Water move (Note that Dry Skin can also restore 1/8 HP in rain and lose 1/8 HP in sun as well as taking more damage from Fire moves)
Earth Eater: Restores 1/4 HP when hit by a Ground move
Flash Fire: Boosts the power of Fire moves when hit by one
Flower Veil: Grass-type allies are immune to status conditions and stat drops
Good as Gold: Pokemon is unaffected by Pokemon's status moves
Guard Dog/Suction Cups: Pokemon cannot be forced to switch/flee by moves such as Roar, Circle Throw, Whirlwind, or the item Red Card
Hyper Cutter: Pokemon with this ability cannot have their Attack stat lowered by moves or Abilities
Immunity/Pastel Veil: Pokemon (and its allies for Pastel Veil) cannot be poisoned
Inner Focus/Own Tempo/Oblivious/Scrappy: Immune to the Ability Intimidate (Gen 8 onwards). Own Tempo prevents Pokemon from being confused, and Oblivious prevents Pokemon from being infatuated and being affected by Taunt (Gen 6 onwards for Taunt)
Insomnia/Vital Spirit/Sweet Veil: Pokemon (and its allies for Sweet Veil) cannot be put to sleep
Keen Eye/Illuminate: Pokemon's accuracy cannot be lowered (Illuminate has this effect starting in version 2.0.1 of Pokemon Scarlet/Violet)
Leaf Guard: Pokemon with this Ability cannot be statused during sunny weather
Levitate: Pokemon with this Ability cannot be hit by Ground-type moves
Lightning Rod: Gets a +1 Special Attack boost when hit by an Electric move
Limber: Pokemon with this Ability cannot be paralyzed
Magic Guard: Pokemon with this ability do not take damage from indirect damage (i.e Leech Seed, Toxic)
Magma Armor: Pokemon with this Ability cannot be frozen
Motor Drive: Gets a +1 Speed boost when hit by an Electric move
Overcoat: Pokemon with this ability are immune to sandstorm and hail damage, powder and spore moves (i.e Sleep Powder, Poison Powder, Stun Spore), and the Ability Effect Spore starting in Gen 6
Purifying Salt: Pokemon cannot be statused
Sap Sipper: Gets a +1 Attack boost when hit by a Grass move
Shields Down: Pokemon cannot be statused when it is above 50% HP
Soundproof/Cacophony: Pokemon are immune to sound moves
Storm Drain: Gets a +1 Special Attack when hit by a Water move
Sturdy: Provides an immunity to OHKO moves
Thermal Exchange/Water Bubble/Water Veil: Pokemon with any of these abilities cannot be burned
Volt Absorb: Restores 1/4 HP when hit by an Electric move
Well-Baked Body: Gets a +2 Defense boost when hit by a Fire move
Wind Rider: Pokemon with this Ability are immune to wind moves (i.e Heat Wave, Icy Wind, Hurricane, Blizzard)
Wonder Guard: Immune to direct attacks that aren't super effective

