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3 votes

The only types I can think of is normal and grass that has multiple attacks. Which ones am I missing?


3 Answers

2 votes
Best answer

The following types have multi-hit moves: Normal, Fighting, Ground, Grass, Ice, Bug, Rock, Dragon, Steel, Water, Flying, Ice

Full List of Multi Hit Moves as of Gen 9 (Note: Word on left = move. Word on right = type)

Variable Multi Hit Moves:
Arm Thrust (Fighting)
Barrage (Normal)
Bone Rush (Ground)
Bullet Seed (Grass)
Comet Punch (Normal)
Double Slap (Normal)
Fury Attack (Normal)
Fury Swipes (Normal)
Icicle Spear (Ice)
Pin Missile (Bug)
Rock Blast (Rock)
Scale Shot (Dragon)
Spike Cannon (Normal)
Tail Slap (Normal)
Water Shuriken (Water)

Fixed (Set) Multi Hit Moves
Bonemerang (Ground)
Double Hit (Normal)
Double Iron Bash (Steel)
Double Kick (Fighting)
Dragon Darts (Dragon)
Dual Chop (Dragon)
Dual Wingbeat (Flying)
Gear Grind (Steel)
Surging Strikes (Water)
Tachyon Cutter (Steel)
Triple Dive (Water)
Twineedle (Bug)
Moves affected by the ability Parental Bond

Accuracy Dependent Multi Hit Moves
Triple Axel (Ice)
Triple Kick (Fighting)
Population Bomb (Normal)

Beat Up (Dark) number of hits depend on how many Pokémon are in your party.


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Beat up (Dark)
5 votes

There are quite a few! The types are Normal, Grass, Bug, Fighting, Rock, Ground, Ice, Dragon and Steel. The moves are below, the first few hit 2-5 times, the ones at the bottom hit only twice.

  • Arm Thrust (Fighting)
  • Barrage (Normal)
  • Bone Rush (Ground)
  • Bullet Seed (Grass)
  • Comet Punch (Normal)
  • Doubleslap (Normal)
  • Fury Attack (Normal)
  • Fury Swipes (Normal)
  • Icicle Spear (Ice)
  • Pin Missile (Bug)
  • Rock Blast (Rock)
  • Spike Cannon (Normal)
  • Tail Slap (Normal)

  • Twineedle (Bug)

  • Bonemerang (Ground)
  • Double Hit (Normal)
  • Double Kick (Fighting)
  • Double Chop* (Dragon)
  • Gear Saucer* (Steel)
That looks like half of the types which brings the question if they will eventually make moves of that variety for the other types.
They probably will eventually. But those moves are not very powerful so it's not that important. Also forgot to add, *=move from Black/White
Beat Up hits based on how many pkmn you have
add water shuriken
3 votes

Fighting because of arm thrust, triple kick and double kick, Ice because of Icicle Spear and Ice Ball, Bug because of Pin Missle and Twineedle, Rock because of Rock Blast and Rollout, Ground because of Boomerang and Bone Rush. There are so many types. ^^

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