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So I am kind of new to breeding and I have been looking all over for answers on how to breed a male Nidoran and a female Nidoran without using ditto...and everyone's answers I saw kind have seemed confusing :(

Does anyone have any simple answers on what pokes I put together to breed for a male Nidoran and a what pokes go together for a female nidoran?

(Besides using ditto what pokes breed for male and or female Nidoran?)

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2 Answers

4 votes
Best answer

Scroll to the bottom if you're after a simple list of matchups.

To start, a recap of basic breeding matchup rules:

  1. If two Pokemon share an Egg Group and are of opposite genders, then they can breed, and will produce an egg based on the female's species.
  2. Ditto is compatible with all genders (including genderless) and all Egg Groups, and will produce an egg based on its partner's species.
  3. Exceptions: Pokemon in the Undiscovered Egg Group can never breed, and Ditto cannot breed with itself.

Now, the two ways that the Nidoran lines are different to others:

  1. Nidorina and Nidoqueen are in the Undiscovered Egg Group, and thus cannot breed. Nidoran-F (and the entire Nidoking line) are in the Monster and Field groups. (Why?)
  2. When you breed Nidoran-F, there is a 50% chance you will hatch Nidoran-M instead of Nidoran-F. Likewise, as of Gen 5, if you breed Nidoran-M with Ditto, there is a 50% chance you will hatch Nidoran-F instead of Nidoran-M.

Now, a list of breeding matchups based on all this information:

  • Nidoran-F + anything compatible (incl. Nidoran-M) = Nidoran-F or Nidoran-M
  • Nidorina can never breed
  • Nidoqueen can never breed
  • Nidoran-M + anything compatible and not Ditto = refer to female
  • Nidorino + anything compatible and not Ditto = refer to female
  • Nidoking + anything compatible and not Ditto = refer to female
  • Nidoran-M + Ditto = Nidoran-F (Gen 5+) or Nidoran-M
  • Nidorino + Ditto = Nidoran-F (Gen 5+) or Nidoran-M
  • Nidoking + Ditto = Nidoran-F (Gen 5+) or Nidoran-M

So, in summary: you can hatch Nidoran-M by breeding Nidoran-F with anything compatible (including Nidoran-M), or by breeding Nidoran-M, Nidorino, or Nidoking with Ditto. You cannot guarantee hatching Nidoran-M and not Nidoran-F, except using the latter method in Gen 2 to 4.

More info

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I some how thought I was going to get lost but I  actually stood most everything you explained and I appreciate you taking your time to answer my question! I also thank you for trying your best to make this as simple as it can get. Thank you very much !
No problem! Glad it makes more sense :)
0 votes

Nidoran♂ and Nidoran♀ are in the Field and Monster egg groups. So any Pokémon in those egg groups (especially those I just mentioned) can breed. Just DO NOT breed their evolutions, Nidorino/Nidoking and Nidorina/Nidoqueen respectively, as they are in the Undiscovered egg group and cannot breed.

Nidorino/Nidoking can breed though. Only Nidorina and Nidoqueen can't breed.
Well, I meant they can't breed together.
So the middle evolution of Nidoran(male and female) can or can not breed together? Or is it only the first evolution of the Pokémon (opposite gender) which can breed? Also I do believe I heard back than people saying the final evolution of the pokes are said that they can't breed because of there egg grouping?

 Please correct me if I am wrong.
You are correct. Nidoran male and female can both breed together and with others in the Field and Monster egg groups. Nidoran/Nidoking and Nidorina/Nidoqueen cannot breed, not even with eachother as they are in the Undiscovered egg group.
@JasonE oh ok I get it now!!

Thank you very much for explaining this to me!!
You are very welcome.