I have been back in X and Y for almost three days. I have fully evolved my Pupitar into a Tyranitar and I breed it with Ditto. The Tyranitar is male and in Dusk Ball and has a Timid nature and the Ditto has a Quirky nature. I saved the game before putting them in daycare and then got my first egg again. I don't know what happens when you take a Pokemon out of daycare and then put them back in, but it was after I took my Pokemon out of daycare the first time to keep them from gaining levels or with this Time Machine Masuda Method, what happens if I put my first Pokemon in daycare at all and the first egg I had since that was well over 4 years ago. So I can't get into any more detail on that. What I do know before I forget is the first time that egg hatched, the Larvitar was Rash nature. All other times, that same egg hatched an Impish nature Larvitar. I don't understand what is going on. I am after an Adamant male Larvitar and I can't seem to get one. My Pokemon are just steady leveling up in the daycare fast. I also don't have the Hatching Power so I have to spend more than 5 minutes to hatch an egg. The first time I tried hatching a bunch of eggs at once. One time I got Jolly natured Larvitar when in the previous set of tries, I didn't. This time I kept it. It's in my PC. I actually have 2 of those. The second being because I must've saved after getting rid of the Honedge eggs. Will I get an answer?