Drednaw now has Shell Smash, so I'm posting a Shell Smash set.
Gen 9 Monotype Shell Smash (Rock)

Drednaw @ Air Balloon
Ability: Swift Swim
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Jolly Nature
- Shell Smash
- Liquidation
- Stone Edge
- Ice Spinner
This is a Shell Smash Drednaw set, as Drednaw gets Shell Smash in Gen 9. I have the format as Monotype on Rock teams because Drednaw isn't going to be an OU mon, but you can feel free to use this in lower tiers when they develop.
Air Balloon is used over White Herb in Monotype to let Drednaw take advantage of Choiced Pokemon being locked into a Ground move. Shell Smash is used to boost both of your attack and speed by 2 stages in one move. Liquidation is used for a powerful Water STAB. Stone Edge is used for a powerful Rock STAB. Ice Spinner is used to target Grass- and Dragon- types such as Dragapult, Dragonite, Cyclizar, Dragalge, Brambleghast, Amoonguss and Garchomp. Ice Spinner is also useful vs Clodsire, who uses Water Absorb as its Ability. You could use Earthquake for coverage if you can manage to slot it in.
Swift Swim is used because Shell Armor is pointless on this set, and you don't have any STABs that are boosted by Strong Jaw since you can't use Terastal in Monotype since it's banned. Even if Terastal was allowed, Drednaw's Tera Type would have to be Rock since the Tera Type would have to be the same type as the team you use Drednaw on(which in this case, is rock). If lower tiers allow Tera Types, you could probably get away with a Shell Smash Strong Jaw set, but that's assuming lower tiers allow Tera Types, so yeah. :P