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User BananaBroSHSID

Member for: 1 year (since Apr 4, 2023)
Type: Expert
Extra privileges: Voting on questions
Voting on answers
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Posting on user walls
Gender: Banana
Country: 香港
Favorite Pokémon: Marowak-Alola
Friend Codes: Showdown: BananaBro_Chaos / BananaBroSHSID / JiayouOligay666
Smogon: BananaBro_Chaos
Discord: bananabro_chaos BananaBroSHSID
Minecraft: BananaBro_Chaos
Valorant: notBanana#chaos
Rec Room: BananaBro_Chaos
Pokemon TCG Pocket: 1083001075546908

become a banana and I will respect you

People that I respect:
Anchor9: Master of the Dhelmise Orb and my good friend
CinderClod: burning dirt of toxic doom
Zyla: AI Generated Pichu
RisingManectric: Fellow Showdown grinder and NU enthusiast
Mr. Fish: Xurkitree consumer
Tensa Zangetsu: The knower of all metagames
Silver: "rawr im a scawy mowdawatow"
BM: Natural prey of Fish
Spex: Flootah Maine
Starry Whisper: Sol :3
Amethyst: "Singlehandedly changing community opinion on necroposting :P"
FieryHalmar: Protector of Ecosystems and canonical son of Zygarde
Whistle650: Brother of Halmar and canonical son of Lugia...and Zygarde
Just A Typical Person: Avid Cherrim defender, SimplyAnAverageHuman (SAAH), ReallyAStandardHuman (RASH)
GeckoGuy: Avid Cherrim attacker
J: legit convinced jhnfui1 is not a keyboard mash and your real name is John Fui the 1st
If you're not on this list just talk to me more ig


This is now the quotes wall:
About me: bananas never die
ok but anyways

Hey guys, I'm BananaBro_Chaos (or just Banana) and I identify as a Banana (spiritually, but in this cursed reality I am what humans call a male). I am a huge competitive Pokemon fan (I don't have the money to get most Pokemon games (and by money I mean parents' money, I'm still a kid)), and am currently one of the National Dex players...that uses Mega Charizard Y.

Showdown Peaks:
Gen 8 NDAG: Top 50
Gen 8 National Dex: Top 450
Gen 9 OU: Top 500
Gen 9 National Dex: 1819 (Rank 40)
Gen 9 National Dex Doubles: 1546 (Rank 68)

Ranking (Battle-only forms don't count):
1. Marowak-Alola
2. Raichu-Alola
3. Porygon-Z
4. Volcarona
5. Trevenant
6. Exeggutor-Alola
7. Walking Wake
8. Clodsire
9. Slither Wing
10. Charizard
11. Annihilape
12. Raging Bolt
13. Garchomp
14. Gastrodon
15. Flutter Mane
16. Vulpix-Alola
17. Dragapult
18. Dracovish
19. Moltres-Galar
20. Chi-Yu

Favorite Mons based on types (If a mon is dual typed, I go by primary type):
Normal: Porygon-Z, Zoroark-Hisui
Fire: Charizard-Mega-X, Charizard-Mega-Y, Marowak-Alola, Darmanitan, Gouging Fire
Water: Tentacruel, Kingler, Kyogre-Primal, Gastrodon, Greninja-Ash, Dracovish, Walking Wake
Electric: Magnezone, Eelektross, Raichu-Alola, Tapu Koko, Regieleki, Raging Bolt
Grass: Exeggutor-Alola, Tsareena
Ice: Sandslash-Alola, Vupix-Alola, Ninetales-Alola, Spheal, Darmanitan-Galar
Fighting: Annihilape
Poison: Nidoking, Toxapex, Clodsire
Ground: Groudon-Primal
Flying: None
Psychic: Ponyta-Galar, Deoxys-Speed, Necrozma-Ultra
Bug: Beedrill-Mega, Pinsir-Mega, Galvantula, Lokix, Slither Wing
Rock: Cradily
Ghost: Gengar-Mega, Chandelure, Trevenant, Dhelmise, Flutter Mane
Dragon: Salamence-Mega, Rayquaza-Mega, Garchomp, Dragapult, Roaring Moon
Dark: Moltres-Galar, Hydreigon, Weavile, Chi-Yu
Steel: None
Fairy: None

Legends Arceus: 192 Shinies, 140 part of Shiny Dex (140/237)
Recent Shinies (Massive Mass Outbreak unless specified otherwise):
Piloswine - 2025/1/20
Togepi (Mass Outbreak), Sliggoo-Hisui, Female Combee (Random), Chatot, Monferno- 2025/1/21
Luxray, Psyduck (Random), Yanma (Random), Mime Jr., Sneasel-Hisui, Scyther, Alpha Cascoon, Ursaring (Mass Outbreak), Luxio - 2025/1/23
Psyduck, Alpha Bibarel, Dewott, Lickilicky, Zorua, Gible, Clefairy (Random) - 2025/1/24
Gliscor, Ponyta, Roselia (Random), Bonsly (Mass Outbreak), Snover, Yanma (Random), Drifloon (Random), Alpha Graveler, Staravia (Random), West Sea Shellos (Random) - 2025/1/25
Paras, Aipom (Random), Lickitung, Tentacool, Growlithe-Hisui, Stunky, Cleffa, Voltorb-Hisui, Voltorb-Hisui, Rhyhorn - 2025/1/26
Bidoof, Kricketune (Random), Piplup - 2025/1/27
Chatot - 2025/1/28

Let's Go Pikachu: 11 shinies, 10 part of Shiny Dex (10/150)
Recent Shinies:
Pidgey - 2025/1/21
Pidgey x2 - 2025/1/23


Hall of Fame:
Gen 8 Nationa Dex OG Team*:
Gen 8 OU Sun Team*:
Gen 8 LC Sun Team:
Gen 8 National Dex Sun Team*:
Gen 9 National Dex OG Zard Y Team:
Gen 9 National Dex Zard Y HO Team:
Gen 9 National Dex E-Terrrain HO Team:
Gen 9 National Dex Hard Trick Room:
*Details may be wrong due to crappy memory & no replays available

2024/12/8: 500 Points
2024/12/16: 1000 Points
2025/1/1: Expert YEEEEAAAAAAAAA
2025/1/29: 1500 Points

2023/9/11 (oh sht): Front page of users
2024/10/10: First downvote NAURRRR

2024/9/11: The Lore of the Banana (

My playlist :o

Activity by BananaBroSHSID

Score: 364 points (ranked #114)
Questions: 3 (2 with best answer chosen)
Answers: 3
Comments: 17
Voted on: 6 questions, 1 answer
Gave out: 7 up votes, 0 down votes
Received: 34 up votes, 0 down votes

Wall for BananaBroSHSID

Please log in or register to post on this wall.
Alright, cool
23 hours ago by TheRaptor
And those four moves are the only physical moves Sinistcha has if you don't count Tera Blast and making Sinistcha have 0 Special Attack IVs
23 hours ago by -RisingManectric-
LOL, those two ghosts didn't have much physical moves to work with, sooo... :P
23 hours ago by -RisingManectric-
They're indeed something alright, here's a little gift just because:

Polteageist @ Choice Band  
Ability: Cursed Body  
Tera Type: Ghost  
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe  
Adamant Nature  
- Poltergeist  
- Facade  
- Sucker Punch  
- Self-Destruct  

Sinistcha @ Choice Band  
Ability: Heatproof  
Tera Type: Grass  
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe  
Adamant Nature  
- Poltergeist  
- Astonish  
- Phantom Force  
- Foul Play
1 day ago by -RisingManectric-
Percy Jackson = PJO there's a lot of 'dam' jokes in the fandom so I assumed you read it
1 day ago by Vibrant Vaporeon
1 day ago by Vibrant Vaporeon
'dam' Please say you read pro
1 day ago by Vibrant Vaporeon
Lol. Riiggghhhttt... I'm just the person to talk about that... I log in SO MUCH!!!
Regardless though, I'll run it by him.
2 days ago by TheRaptor
Oh, lol. I jokingly meant how I had no idea how I met the same qualification standards as the self-proclaimed harbinger of chaos for the Expert role when I'm JustATypicalPerson.

Also, about the points, I think Silver BAed some of your answers.
3 days ago by JustATypicalPerson
ok wait how in the unholy space known as hell did I gain 70 points within like 2 hours like wtf
3 days ago by BananaBroSHSID