Meta-PokéBase Q&A

Wall for BananaBroSHSID (page 1)

It's the list of Pokemon I need to complete my Shield living dex.

kingdra, electivire, and scizor I can get as fixed spawns in certain weathers but I fumbled with electivire and haven't gotten lucky since.
The porygon evos I need to trade and same for pinsir as it's a Sword exclusive I can't get unless I transfer one up from ORAS.
The legends I'm getting non shiny through my current Shield playthrough. I technically already have zamazenta and silvally but I'm doing a playthrough anyways so I need those. I also have a shiny event zacian but that only goes in the dex temporarily.
6 days ago by Mr. Fish
im actually getting serious about lore now
Mar 3 by BananaBroSHSID
Mar 2 by Mr. Fish
The Google search AI just created peak!

"Defensive items
Sitrus Berry: Heals a Pokémon for 25% of its maximum HP
Assault Vest: Increases the holder's Special Defense by 50%
Damp Rock: Extends the duration of the move Rain Dance
Focus Band: Helps Pokémon survive longer in battle by recovering HP
Grip Claw: Boosts defense on Grassy Terrain
Amulet Coin: Makes the holder immune to Ground-type Attacks until they are attacked "

I'll have to remember to slap the Amulet on my Gholdengo whenever I have a teammate with earthquake in VGC and I need to convince smogon that Grip Claw Toxapex-Rillaboom cores are new meta tech!
Mar 1 by Mr. Fish
For the EV spreads, i just used the suggested spreads (I tried doing them blindfolded and it really didn't work out lol). Feel free to use this challenge too.
Also, what's ur channel called?
Feb 27 by DavidVileplume
maybe more like RUMOURS, LIES, and DECEPTION from all the fake leak videos that are no doubt swarming Youtube
Feb 26 by FieryHalmar
what do you predict will happen for the  2025 Pokemon Presents?
Feb 25 by FieryHalmar
im to sleep deprived to understand what I said but because I like bearded dragons Ill say yes
Feb 20 by GeckoGuy
must be a universe I don't know of yet
Feb 18 by FieryHalmar
interesting country origin...
Feb 18 by FieryHalmar