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User FieryHalmar

Member for: 1 year (since Jan 21, 2024)
Type: Registered user
Gender: Hitmonchan
Country: wouldn't you like to know!
Favorite Pokémon: Zygarde, Arceus, Ultra Necrozma, Dragonite, Giratina, Raichu, Charizard, Blastiose Archaludon, Chatot, Pikachu, Ariados, Mega Altaria, Flygon, Garchomp, Decidueye, Typhlosion, Feraligatr, Torterra, Dialga and Palkia (both the OG forms and the Origin, although I prefer the OG) Dusk Mane Necrozma and Dawn Wings Necrozma Black Kyerum, Inkay, Malamar, Primal Kyogre and Groudon and Mega Rayquaza.
Friend Codes: I'll put them here later, but in the meantime, have some free lore!
I am FieryHalmar, the father of my son Zygarde who rules Kalos, I once ruled Kalos before him but in recent years Kalos has become more... Peaceful and not needing a Protector as strong as I was, so I left some of my 100 cells to form my son Zygarde, unlike my son I have the ability to teleport to the future where I have found Kalos was in the middle of a futuristic catastrophe and it was in need of me once more, I now live there waiting for when The Hero of old will bring peace back to Kalos.
About me: this is a section about the Pokemon trainer Halmar whom I have the most connection to, so here it is.

I like to consider myself a Dragon Master, I also really like powerful pokemon like Yvetel, Regirock, Ultra Necrozma, Stellar Terapagos, Eternamax Eternatus, Shadow Rider Calyrex, and Zacian, oh, and Bruxish sucks

i am an Avid pokemon Ultra Moon player! I play on gen 7 every week if not every day and have plunged over 650+ hours into that game. I mostly play Battle Tree and do a bit of stuff in Festival plaza however since Wifi communications for the 3DS shut down in March I've been playing Y for a while before Z-A releases and i'm really enjoying it!

and I might change my Gravatar a lot, Apologies
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Current friends on this site, Zyla™️
 BM™️ Smolglaceon, Ferarri NobleOnion Anchor9 BananaBroSHSID. Mr. Fish Whistle650 and

my first shiny was a Zubat back in Ultra Moon (which was my first modern pokemon game)
and I was wandering around in a cave and found him thankfully I knew what to do despite not ever seeing a shiny pokemon before and after a couple great balls I caught him! now she's a level 72 Crobat

Speaking of... you wanna know how I came up with the name Halmar? well get cozy cause it'll take about 2 minutes for me to type it all out (typing sounds for the next 2 minutes)
when I started playing my Ultra Moon save file for the first time back in 2018 (yeah i'm old) I wanted to come up with a completely original name for my character and what so I randomly thought of two different pokemon, Hawlucha and Malamar and so I took Hal and Mar i'm pretty sure I was going to make it Halamar but that sounds horrible TBH

my first actual shiny hunt was in SV which was Iron Thorns

I'm actually a OG red and blue enjoyer however I only play on Virtual console on 3DS

my starters are as follows in the order I obtained them

Pokemon Red for 3DS 'Squirty!' the Blastoise! this was the most important part of my pokemon trainer journey I had never seen any other pokemon before in my life besides pikachu and when I saw Squirtle I instantly fell in love with the baby turtle! however we encountered problems in our journey when we got to the kantonian ocean. we didn't have Surf! so we went all through Kanto to find Surf and we soon made it to the Elite Four and I had the most crucial battle of my entire pokemon training life. fighting Gary. he brought in his Venasuar and I had just Blastoise left it was all up to SQUIRTY! not missing Blizzard, if he did it was Game Over. but in the most clutch of moments he succeeded! and Venasuar was Knocked out and I had become the Kanto Champion! and then I realized my ultimate pokemon goal. to go to the Pokemon World Championships and actually become a Champion!

Ultra Moon (yeah I skipped gens 2-6 but i'll get around to those) "Decidueye" the Decidueye I never named him but he is my most favorite starter out of anyone on this list and the one i'm personally the closest to, and we had a whole bunch of fun going through our Island Challenge and this was the first region I battled my brother in, he trashed me because I was into small but popular pokemon like Inkay and Pikachu while he was bringing his Solgaleo and Necrozma but it was great fun! and after that me and Decidueye went to beat all the Grand Trails and when we Beat Hau we both became the new Alola Champions! and now we are having a great time together pushing through the battle tree and exploring all the Ultra Wormholes have to offer!

I also built a Lego model of Decidueye!

pokemon Gold "FIREON" the Typhlosion he, along with his clone were huge helps fight the Elite Four and we figured out how to make any pokemon in Gen 2 SHINY!

Pokemon Sword "Drummer Boy" the Rillaboom, we spent a lot of time together once Grassy Glide became available and we both experienced the sights and sounds of the Isle of Armor and the Crown Tundra plus we found a shiny Yvetal together!

pokemon Alpha Sapphire "Scrampower" the Blaziken, unfortunately my original save file got corrupted but my new one is happily sitting in Alpha Sapphire and now i'm using him to help shiny hunt the Regi trio

Pokemon Platinum, "CRUSHLANDR" my good 'ol pal Torterra! together we managed to beat Cynthia with HUGE credits to my brother he was a huge help in beating the Elite Four, and now we're trying to find a ditto to breed a Blaziken for my next game which is...

Pokemon White! my starter "Knight" the Samurott.  we went through all of Unova and we saw many cool Mystery Gift pokemon enter our PC (which i did in 2022 and YES it is possible believe me, plus you don't need to hack your DS at all if anybody wants to know i'll tell them how) and now Knight's son is helping me track down Thunderous

Pokemon Violet "Enfuego" the Skeledirge. together we have been seen all of the good and bad moments of SV from release day to now  we saw all of the glorious Paldea region, we hunted down Ogerpon's masks, we both Trashed Kieran and we stopped an outbreak of the "Chicken dance" (anybody who's played the Epilogue will know what i'm talking about.

Pokemon Legends: Arceus Timothy the Hisuian Decidueye. we both had tons of fun learning the ropes of the Galactic Survey Corps, and were both Devestated  to be exiled from Jubilife town and fighting Dialga to bring the the realms of Time and Space together again, now we're both working our hardest to complete the Pokedex

Pokemon Y "Lord Bowser" the Chesnaught. this is my latest starter and we're both battling our way to our 4th gym, he's been a huge help with tanking hits from wild pokemon while I try to catch them. we both pushed through the E4 and we stomped Diantha and now we are both getting a rest before we head to the friend Safari and see what HA pokemon we can get!
My next journey is either going to be OG Blue or Pearl. Post on my wall which I should play next

Palworld is, and always will be, nothing but a rip-off of a kids monster collecting game just to farm money off the thousands of fools who fall for that violent, scary, sorry, excuse of a Video game, I will be happy once the game shuts down for good. -FieryHalmar

I know nobody cares but I will happily share my opinion on anything!

Activity by FieryHalmar

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The Pokémon presents that just pasted
2 days ago by GeckoGuy
legit i still have not watched presents but from what im hearing it seems fire
5 days ago by BananaBroSHSID
The leak videos are fire though
Feb 27 by GeckoGuy
chaos destruction fear
and legends ZA news idk
Feb 26 by BananaBroSHSID
Feb 11 by Whistle650
I mean, you are in his friend list
Feb 8 by DavidVileplume
Why isn't your own brother in your friend list
Feb 6 by DavidVileplume
wait holdon I just read your lore again, your SON is Zygarde????
(so that means...since you and Whistle are the children of Lugia...and your son is Zygarde...Lugia is Zygarde's grandfather/mother????)
Feb 4 by BananaBroSHSID
Yes and no. I have PLA but I've barely started it. Maybe try asking BananaBro?

I will take a shiny celebi though let's gooooooooo!!!
Jan 25 by Mr. Fish
Jan 25 by Mr. Fish