Friend Codes:
X/OR and AS(My sister's game)/3DS Friend Code: 1908-0265-1342
UPDATE: 100/100 sorry
My Friend Safari is Psychic with Espurr (Ze Creeper) Drowzee(Mispronounciation of Drowzy?) and Girafarig(Girafarig backwards)
DB Achievements:
1000 points: 2/14/2016
Alone with PM on CHAT 6:03 PM 2/19/2016
Proud Achievements:
Hard Work! Full informative device: PokeDex complete on Pokemon X and Pokemon Omega Ruby AND Pokemon Alpha Sapphire
They are alive!: Unfinished Living PokeDex on Pokemon X
Oooh Sparkles: Caught my first shiny(Which was aPlusle) with MY OT
First Shiny with Masuda Method on X: Shiny Sentret 4ivs with a whopping 152 eggs!
My Shinies which I have caught or hatched:
Shiny Fennekin(Hatched in AS my sister's game but I hatched it), Blaziken, Plusle, Torndaus, Marill, Sentret(Gave it to Toge)
I am trying to get in to competitive, I sometimes do EV training.. but I have no interest in IV Breeding. I do like shinies, but shiny hunting isn't my thing although I often try to chain Pokemon, do random encounters,spam hordes and etc.