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User Redvolt77

Member for: 4 years (since Dec 7, 2020)
Type: Registered user
Gender: Male ♂️
Country: USA
Favorite Pokémon: My Top 10 Favorite Pokémon (The list is constantly fluctuating, but the higher you go, the more likely the Pokémon occupying that spot will stay there): 10: Kingambit 9: Incineroar 8: Scizor 7: Alakazam 6: Gyarados 5: Cinderace 4: Snorlax 3: Marshadow 2: Accelgor 1: Dragapult
Friend Codes:
About me: My first Pokémon game was Pokémon Sun for the 2ds because, along with Omega Ruby, came with my 2ds when I got for Christmas. I really like Sinnoh, Alola, and Galar, they are my top 3 favorite gens (Galar is #1). I play Pokémon Masters EX. (I am always trying to figure out what Pokémon would be my perfect partner!) I do Pokémon Cards, mainly just to collect them. My favorite card I own is a Rainbow Rare Snorlax V-Max! I also enjoy Pokémon Unite a lot, and am excited to see who releases next. My favorite Pokémon characters are Red, Blue, Ghetsis (His team rocks), Kukui, Hugh, Grimsley, and Volkner. My favorite type is Dragon. I like reading, video Games, hanging out with friends, exercise, honing my sword skills, Pokémon, Music, Movies, TV, Comedy, LEGO, Plushes (especially Pokémon ones!), my family, comics, superheros, manga, katanas, Muppets, and Action Figures. My favorite food is Chimichangas. I am in Boy Scouts. I like classic music. Mostly music with a good groove.

My Top 3 Favorite Books (I am  a HUGE reader) :

#3: Percy Jackson series, along with the Heroes Of Olympus/ Bullet Train

#2: The Land Of Stories Series

#1: Peter Nimble And His Fantastic Eyes

My Top 3 Favorite Comic Books:

#3: TMNT, published by IDW

#2: Deadpool by Posehen and Duggan

#1: Invincible by Robert Kirkman

My Top 3 Favorite Movies:

#3: The King's Speech

#2: Oceans Trilogy

#1: Wierd: The Al Yankovic Story

My Top 3 Favorite Video Games:

#3: Borderlands series

#2: Pokémon

#1: Hollow Knight

My Top 5 Favorite TV Shows:

#5: The Simpsons

#4: Marvel's Hit Monkey

#3: Saturday Night Live

#2: Bob's Burgers

#1: Brooklyn Nine-Nine

My Top 3 Favorite Manga:

#3: My Hero Academia/Naruto

#2 Demon Slayer: Kimetsu no Yaiba (it's almost #1)

#1: One Piece

All the Manga I read:

-One Piece (my favorite)


-My Hero Academia

-Demon Slayer (I am willing to talk about Demon Slayer anytime, as it is one of my favorite franchises ever!)

-Jujutsu Kaisen

-One-Punch Man


My starter and game choice for each generation (Not counting Emerald, Yellow, or Platinum):

Gen 1: Red (Green if it was in the US) and Venusaur

Gen 2: Gold/HeartGold and Typhlosion

Gen 3: Ruby/Omega Ruby and Sceptile

Gen 4: Diamond/Brilliant Diamond and Infernape/Empoleon

Gen 5: Black/Black 2 and Serperior/Samurott

Gen 6: Y and Greninja and Charizard

Gen 7: Sun/Ultra Sun and Incineroar

Let's Go Pikachu out of the two remakes

Gen 8: Sword and Cinderace

Gen 8 DLC: Venasaur, Single-Strike Urfishu, Regidrago, and Spectrier. (I wish I picked Glastrier.)

Gen 9: Scarlet and Skeledirge

Top 5 Mega Evolutions:

5: Mega Aerodactyl

4: Mega Sceptile

3: Mega Blaziken

2: Mega Scizor

1: Mega Charizard Y (My First Mega Evolution)

One of my favorite Pokémon quotes:
"A truly skilled trainer should try to win with their favorites."

Thanks for reading!

This is just my Opinion:

---Put--- this--- ribbon--- on--- your--- wall---- if--- you---- think---- neither---- Absol---- nor---- Umbreon---- are--- cool--- and---- Sharpedo--- is--- way--- cooler---- than--- both---- of---- them.----

---Put--- this--- ribbon--- on---your ---wall ---if--- you---think ---Raichu ---is ---severely ---underrated ---and ---should ---get ---more ---love.---

Activity by Redvolt77

Score: 20 points (ranked #1,000)
Questions: 0
Answers: 0
Comments: 1
Voted on: 0 questions, 0 answers
Gave out: 0 up votes, 0 down votes
Received: 0 up votes, 0 down votes

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Jan 16 by BM™
That's a damn weird lookin deoxys grav
Jul 5, 2024 by Mr. Fish
we have dental
and cheese on the weekends
Mar 23, 2023 by ケンサさん
Sorry this is late (I don’t really check my walk) but the books I like are too many to list. Many of them are what you like though.
Feb 21, 2023 by Snorlx11
gather a large enough army to hopefully confront him with good reason
Feb 8, 2023 by ケンサさん
Feb 3, 2023 by -RisingManectric-
I do have one more tip, have a Pokemon such as Hydreigon who can melt steel teams. Steel teams in NatDex Mono are very good, and Dragon has a hard time vs Steel.
Feb 2, 2023 by -RisingManectric-
perhaps not, but you can help us get to pokemaster
Jan 23, 2023 by ケンサさん
What about the monotype stuff?
Jan 20, 2023 by -RisingManectric-
What is your profile?
Jan 20, 2023 by MonkeyBusiness