"The state of RMT" is a never-ending discussion. We made some aggressive changes to the rules last year that have seen us close as many as 70% of new submissions to the section, but still there will be feedback such as yours. We will become more aggressive still:
I'm certainly in the business of promoting experts for contributing to RMT, but the software doesn't allow much else in the way of roles. In general, I think the best way to improve the response rate on RMT is to keep trimming low-quality submissions. This literally decreases the number of threads to respond to, but also makes the section better for raters as authors put in more effort.
I am also mindful that extremely active users like
https://pokemondb.net/pokebase/rmt/user/Stormfire affect the experience a lot. I think if the typical person submitting teams is better at the game, then good players will want to contribute more.
I have a basic guide on the backburner that goes over newbie errors with teambuilding. I'll eventually finish it and put it somewhere as a token effort. Happy for others to come up with content as well.