Pokémon Rate My Team

User Stephwheel8

Member for: 6 years (since Nov 3, 2018)
Type: Registered user
Gender: fee mail
Country: Time Zone PST
Favorite Pokémon: Absol, Salandit, Cakyrex, Reshiram, Delphox, Delibird, Fletchinder, Dewgong, both Zoroarks, Togekiss, Ogerpon, Mewtwo, and Meowstic. Mostly Salandit.
Friend Codes: Sponsored by Grape Nuts and Bepis Valley Granola Bars.

The Absol in my grav sometimes is called Angel, and the Salandit is Tomothy. 13 cent cricket

Hi, I’m just your average idiot. I spend a few minutes every so often lying down and feeling like garbage (my current record is 1 hour and 6 minutes).

I’m 8Stephwheel8 on Showdown (because apparently SOMEBODY already took Stephwheel8 I have no idea how). im awful at teambuilding so ill just steal from you

Absol Club
We believe Absol is the absolute best!
(And Umbreon is lame)
Astrid Sol
Kookoonut TM
Ignis Aqua Herba
Dr Dude
Assault Ποσειδώνας
A usual glimpse
BaronVonThomason III

…Hey, what do you mean probably half of those users don’t use this site anymore?

Note that some of these people might have changed usernames, however i am not willing to go scavenger hunt for them so just lmk if you’ve changed it

Wall of Quotes:
"It would be good in a custom format where the only Pokemon you can use is Cosmoem."

“truly impressive that an American like you is aware that London exists”

“Nidorino doesn't have a freezer”

“Most abilities are better versions of truant.”

"No. Keyword being no."

“That's one sexy looking lapras.”

“I just clapped my ass out of the air”

“Will Smith will smith Will Smith if Will Smith gets the opportunity to smith Will Smith”

“I have officially drowned Guzma i rule Team Skull. I am Queen Skull and i preside Over my dancing gang of idiots”

“ATG is severely outclassed by Steph in terms of Registered User.”

“Thanks so much Steph, yet simultaneously dang it”

“are you calling me a drug bc youre addicted to me? how cute”

“Zelda is hot. Link is hot. Fire Emblem Smash boys are hot. Pyra is hot garbage.”

“Welcome to existence, Stephw. You'll be here for a while, so you might as well get yourself comfortable. I run this bar, TY cooks, KRLW sings us songs. Ain't much else to tell. Have a seat :)”

“Santa is an anagram for Satan”

“jesus is satan confirmed”

“babies kick pregnant women all the time but oooohhh when I kick a pregnant woman, I'm the one arrested”

“You know you're having a bad day when you step onto a train leading to the afterlife and have to beat up ghosts.”

“OK first off say yes and then yeet Junior at Bonnie and see who eats who”

“sax is cool they go doot doot i lov saxaphones”

“Is it Crest White Enmal Toothpaste Protector Gum Flouride Floss Paste Rinse?”


“Damn this damn dam. I hope this dam will damn it's damned daminess.”

“I request your attention, sir. God of sniping. I've come to bargain for will you may return to using close ups of pocket monsters.”

“I beg your attention, higher being. I've come to bargain for c h e d d a r. For will you may bestow me the entity i request for.”

“BiDoOF haS tYPe oVErlaP wiTh DrAgapuLt”

"is it true you're carbon based???"

“Become a Super Administrator, and fix it yourself.”

“I moved to texas a few years back and my beloved corgi melted”

“I hate it when my parrot keeps insisting it's a mosquito and I should torment it. I tell'm, stop 'fore thing get dirty, but it doesn't usually follow orders very well. Usually. Have a mind of its own, that one. It's called Jack the Backman, if anyone's curious.”

“Can you believe I answered a question without X's blade-senses notifying him that there's an unanswered question and him coming here to snipe me?”

“Yes I have officially shipped a sandwich”

“Pokemon eat trash and they love that **** so much they heal from it?”

“Have a nice pizza till you see that I ate it!”

“why didn't anybody tell me about the ZYGARDE CUBE which should more accurately be named the ZYGARDE TRUNCATED OCTAHEDRON”

“Welcpme to the DB club only here can pre-teens get drunk”

“Im just too devastatingly sexy for you to kill me”

“shadow's smooching a box of Froot Loops because Primal fled from her.”


“I don’t know, I just declared that you were pissed so therefore you are.”

“No we’re completelelelelelely serious”

“Pro tip: Spaghetti-Os taste better when not dumped on the floor.”

“Omg your inestines are so sexy id totally eat my meat in them”

“Because poisonous flowers are so fun to pick when you're an animal without thumbs.”

“Magikarp is stupid bad far outclassed by Kyogre”

“primal and x do you guys want to make out with me in the burker king bathroom”

“I can assure you, the shiny sparkles are lagging because of lag.”

“Gardevoir used Dream Eater. It doesn't affect exeggcute because only one of it's eggs fell asleep”

“Dodge is so hot that even dead girls like him.”

“hey remember when I took you to my house and locked you up in my basement and forced you to watch pokemon pinball lets plays?”

“I love my mac and cheese baked in a shoe.”

“you're the sort of person who washes their hands after showering”

“I was looking at Poke Jobs and I come back to Thundurus on drugs.”

“now that you've gotten to the top of the ladder, are you going to climb back down? it looks pretty high up there”

“Mewderator died last month we are keeping him in the chat room to honor his legacy”

“I have mushrooms and vegetation growing off of my feet, and I need a product for it! I wonder if a boring TV commercial will have a scam product for me!”

"I'm forcing my parents to let me get Miku one way or another"

“If I strap a car to your back will it make you go vroom is the question.”

“my hero macadamia”

“I can't think of a single person in my neighborhood who I like more than my Silvally collection.”

“Fizz please show me your teeth”

“this sentence is really funny and worthy of going on every quote wall”

“Man good luck absorbing all this diarrhea”

“Suggestion: ban all the smart big adults”

“i remember when ht kicked me because i kissed gladion”

“Happy 3 Year Anniversary! :) That's the same amount of time it takes a human to turn 3 years old!”

“In conclusion we be immature b****es but now we’re immature b****es together”

“I love Pokemon I draw Pokemon I see Pokemon I play Pokemon”

“Dear Math, solve your own problems.”

“My grave will not load”

“Tfw when Banana as a username is already taken, so you add another one to it to assert dominance.”

“Hippity Hoppity Hoppity Hippity, your breathing is now a conscious activity.”

“Once upon a time, a young girl in a kingdom of idiots was cursed by an evil sorceress with more free hours than IQ points.”

“my uncle tied me to a tree and then licked my toes”

“i rarely ever kick people but last couple days the boot has been hungry”

“You can can a can but you can't can't a can't”

“Hi, your mom has been revoked.”
About me: “Facebook deleted our page for no reason so screw them.”

“It is will be available for Nintendo Switch or smartphones soon,“

“lolno. I have the right to put whatever I want on my website.”

“Professional answer sniper, at your service”

“Pokemon's an RPG? I thought it was a first-person shooter.”

“No I’m the god of capitalism”

“You've taken more than your fair share of questions from the unanswered list. It's about time you gave back.”

“If you feel useless, just remember that Captain America tried to choke a robot”

“If you ever feel useless, remember that there are lifeguards in Spongebob that save fish from drowning.”

"If you ever feel useless, just remember that Shedinja has Defensive stats"

“No, it is wholly impossible that a turtle resembles a turtle.”

“So, you say Mythra is better? Meet me on the school playground and come alone. I'll make this quick and easy”

“Eevee is vullaby confirmed”

“frick: part 2”

“At least the music'll be catchy when I die.”

“You should probs say that its for god in the title”

“I can assure you that you are worth no more than a very shiny nickel”

“I want to enjoy life rather than do something amazing with it.”

“I don’t know whether I want to downvote because I disagree with this change, or upvote because HT told me not to.”

“HT stop it. You said a word that hurt my feelings, and I know I pushed you down the stairs and beat you up, but let’s put that aside, can’t we?”

“hi, its me (hell fire taco) and pk butt Head (dumb idiot butt head) is trying to COPY my HUMOR tell him to STOP because he’s feeding F*izz red bu ll and pork grind’s and that’s why he SHOVED fe lix thank you for listening”

“That’s rough. Being an obese tire does not sound fun.”

“put gum on a tortilla like its grated cheese”

“Greetings, we hail your existence on this area of the international Web of communication“

“Greetings, fellow owner of fictional creatures with magical and often overexaggerated powers, welcome to an internet forum where we talk about those creatures with magical and often overexaggerated powers and meet with other owners of creatures with magical and often overexaggerated powers”

“Well if he starts climbing out of your mouth then I'll know the whole story.”

“Professional air breather here, unless you're reading this on a day when I'm sick.”

“Which of these hot Pokemon should I choose for my team.”

“Moral of the story: don't harass people if you wake up inside a chimney."

“why waste internet when I can waste the school's hotspot”

“Pokémon Sad and pokemon Hauhead-oh wait same thing“

“alternate title: pm make my job easier please”

“Space and time are in sword and shield. Sinnoh remakes confirmed???”

"What would early colonists think of the concept of Pokémon battles? I think they'd compare it to bear baiting, but the bear breathes fire"

“Red spoke in Pokémon Masters because Flint is so obnoxious and dumb that even Red wanted to shut him up"

"Kirlia is evolving! Congratulations! Your pokemon lost its legs!"

“home depot is like a gateway drug”

“that sounds like either a bad dream, your imagination, or San Fransisco”

“They’re called team skull because that’s the only thing in their heads. No brain, just skull”

“Since Rayquaza is approximately a metre off the ground, it should take it a tenth of a second to fall down like the pathetic snake it is.“

“Yeah and since the player is human, air resistance and friction with the help of gravity should have been enough to tear open his suit and throw the idiot back to earth, what he deserves for riding the magic snake into space.“

“But I suppose if your battles are mostly in back alleys or in Detroit, or heaven forbid a back alley in Detroit, then it's acceptable to give extra anti-shank EVs.”

“Im going to build the great australian canal”

"I don't know why they call it a 'soft reset' when most of the time you do it when you take a hard L."

“By illogic, yes.”

“made up of 100% salt“

“Despite a few caffeine induced hallucinations”

“Yay i always wanted to be strangled”

“thats where the trains live”

“I will be holding a vigil for the chinese notebook and will announce the mass extinction of paper tomorrow”

"Type boosting item like Never-Melt Ice which it learns upon evolution."

“TY stands for "Tyrannical Yodeling".”

“Oh man TY has never been rickrolled before”

“TY, I’m legal now”

“closed with the note: No.”

“i cant believe i am about to own a fake inauthentic shiny arceus”

“you will never know ooooooh spooooooky noises waaaaaa wooosh ooooooooooh never know”

“He be expert, so he auto be friend”

“we're all dead inside :). No, actually. There's a skeleton inside ya”

“But I’d probably end up eating the shoes“

“ok if you act fast you can get a magicarp”

“Who needs parents when you could have fictional anime crushes?”

“is it true you keep luigis in your basement”

“Wah wah wah Waluigi time. It's time for your Wannual checkup. Waluigi says your doing good. WAH”

“do you have wario for the wario on wario”

“hey guys welcome to wario”

“welcome to wario in real loif”

“so when you see broken glass, know that they were originally cockroaches”

“It didn’t take long for me to realize I’m better than everyone else.”

“Why come the Ralts go fainted?”

“Did my Gardevoir evs is good ?”

“Is it funny how I forget that the song “I forgot that you existed” exists sometimes”

“Ok I'm going back to the coffin”

“Stop breathing. It’s offensive to dead people.”

“i ate the giant enemy spider”

“*starts humming VS Team Magma and Aqua from Pokemon Ruby and Sapphire but  since the giant enemy spidah is dead it starts to slow down and becomes more depressing to listen to by the minute*”

“Welcome weary traveler (or travelers) to your quest of absolutely no significance! Before you begin your journey, please accept the following terms and services”

“MovesetBot is our lord and savior so dont diss him.”

~~- Put-~- This-~- Ribbon-~- On-~- Your-~- Wall-~- If-~- You-~- Think-~- Absol-~- Is-~- Cooler-~- Than-~-Umbreon-~-

-------♥♥------PUT THIS ----♥♥-♥♥----RIBBON ---♥♥---♥♥---ON YOUR ---♥♥---♥♥---PAGE IF ---♥♥---♥♥---YOU'RE ----♥♥-♥♥----AGAINST -----♥♥♥------ANIMAL ----♥♥-♥♥----ABUSE ---♥♥---♥♥---THANK YOU

-------☻☻------PUT THIS ----☻☻-☻☻----RIBBON ---☻☻---☻☻---ON YOUR ---☻☻---☻☻---PAGE IF ----☻☻---☻☻---YOU'RE ----☻☻-☻☻----AGAINST -----☻☻☻------SMOKING ----☻☻-☻☻------THANK YOU

$$- Put-$- This-$- Ribbon-$- On-$-Your-$- Wall-$- If-~- You-$- Know-$-Primal Kyogre-$- Is-$- Cooler-$- Than-$-Primal Groudon-&-

If you’ve read the entire thing up to here, then I’m impressed. Great Job!

(Insert salt here) I am salt, help me expand by putting me at the bottom of your Info

Activity by Stephwheel8

Score: 22 points (ranked #680)
Questions: 1 (1 with best answer chosen)
Answers: 1
Comments: 4
Voted on: 0 questions, 0 answers
Gave out: 0 up votes, 0 down votes
Received: 0 up votes, 0 down votes

Wall for Stephwheel8

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If you're making 13 cents from each Phione sale and you earn 20 dollars, that means that you've sold a truncated 153 Phiones.

153.84615384615 Phiones would be the exact value.
Nov 30, 2024 by A typical glance.
Singlehandedly changing community opinion on necroposting :P
Nov 28, 2024 by Amethyst
so who are you siding with, pro-cherrim (JATP) or anti-cherrim (GeckoGuy)?
Nov 28, 2024 by BananaBroSHSID
We've gotta fight over what really matters.
Nov 27, 2024 by JustATypicalPerson
the good old days are over, are you pro-cherrim or anti-cherrim?
Nov 27, 2024 by BananaBroSHSID
darkrai eepy
Nov 23, 2024 by Mr. Fish
Hold up I thought you were a dude
Sep 9, 2024 by NobleOnion
I thought died ages died you thought ago
Sep 2, 2024 by NobleOnion
mhdususvddj I am a llama igidigiama yum yum yum yum yum yum
Aug 26, 2024 by Ferarri
she steph on my wheel till i 8
Aug 26, 2024 by BM™