About me:
bananas never die
ok but anyways
Hey guys, I'm BananaBro_Chaos (or just Banana) and I identify as a Banana (spiritually, but in this cursed reality I am what humans call a male). I am a huge competitive Pokemon fan (I don't have the money to get most Pokemon games (and by money I mean parents' money, I'm still a kid)), and am currently one of the National Dex players...that uses Mega Charizard Y.
Ranking (Battle-only forms don't count):
1. Marowak-Alola
2. Raichu-Alola
3. Porygon-Z
4. Volcarona
5. Trevenant
6. Exeggutor-Alola
7. Walking Wake
8. Clodsire
9. Slither Wing
10. Charizard
11. Annihilape
12. Raging Bolt
13. Garchomp
14. Gastrodon
15. Flutter Mane
16. Vulpix-Alola
17. Dragapult
18. Dracovish
19. Moltres-Galar
20. Chi-Yu
Favorite Mons based on types (If a mon is dual typed, I go by primary type):
Normal: Porygon-Z, Zoroark-Hisui
Fire: Charizard-Mega-X, Charizard-Mega-Y, Marowak-Alola, Darmanitan, Gouging Fire
Water: Tentacruel, Kingler, Kyogre-Primal, Gastrodon, Greninja-Ash, Dracovish, Walking Wake
Electric: Magnezone, Eelektross, Raichu-Alola, Tapu Koko, Regieleki, Raging Bolt
Grass: Exeggutor-Alola, Tsareena
Ice: Sandslash-Alola, Vupix-Alola, Ninetales-Alola, Spheal, Darmanitan-Galar
Fighting: Annihilape
Poison: Nidoking, Toxapex, Clodsire
Ground: Groudon-Primal
Flying: None
Psychic: Ponyta-Galar, Deoxys-Speed, Necrozma-Ultra
Bug: Beedrill-Mega, Pinsir-Mega, Galvantula, Lokix, Slither Wing
Rock: Cradily
Ghost: Gengar-Mega, Chandelure, Trevenant, Dhelmise, Flutter Mane
Dragon: Salamence-Mega, Rayquaza-Mega, Garchomp, Dragapult, Roaring Moon
Dark: Moltres-Galar, Weavile, Zweilous, Hydreigon, Chi-Yu
Steel: None
Fairy: None
Legends Arceus: 295 Shinies, 178 part of Shiny Dex (178/237)
Recent Shinies (Massive Mass Outbreak unless specified otherwise):
Piloswine - 2025/1/20
Togepi (Mass Outbreak), Sliggoo-Hisui, Female Combee (Random), Chatot, Monferno- 2025/1/21
Luxray, Psyduck (Random), Yanma (Random), Mime Jr., Sneasel-Hisui, Scyther, Alpha Cascoon, Ursaring (Mass Outbreak), Luxio - 2025/1/23
Psyduck, Alpha Bibarel, Dewott, Lickilicky, Zorua, Gible, Clefairy (Random) - 2025/1/24
Gliscor, Ponyta, Roselia (Random), Bonsly (Mass Outbreak), Snover, Yanma (Random), Drifloon (Random), Alpha Graveler, Staravia (Random), West Sea Shellos (Random) - 2025/1/25
Paras, Aipom (Random), Lickitung, Tentacool, Growlithe-Hisui, Stunky, Cleffa, Voltorb-Hisui, Voltorb-Hisui, Rhyhorn - 2025/1/26
Bidoof, Kricketune (Random), Piplup - 2025/1/27
Chatot - 2025/1/28
Luxio (Random), Togepi, Sneasel-Hisui - 2025/2/3
Murkrow (Random), Nosepass (Rock), Haunter (Random), Sneasler - 2025/2/4
Gastly, Tangrowth, Quilava, Gabite, Snover - 2025/2/5
Bergmite (Random), Glameow, Abra - 2025/2/6
Pachurisu, Paras (Random), Goodra-Hisui, Drapion, Psyduck - 2025/2/7
Male Combee (Random) - 2025/2/8
Aipom, Magikarp (Random), Zorua-Hisui - 2025/2/9
Bronzong, Chingling, Geodude, Parasect (Random), Alpha Pachurisu, Unown S, Steelix - 2025/2/11
Carnivine (Random), Cascoon, Kirlia, Murkrow - 2025/2/12
Staravia, Abra (Random) - 2025/2/13
Shinx - 2025/2/14
Empoleon, Cleffa - 2025/2/16
Female Combee (Tree) - 2025/2/17
Onix, Dewott - 2025/2/18
Wormadam Plant (Tree) - 2025/2/19
Unown J, Elekid, Alpha Unown V - 2025/2/20
Zoroark-Hisui, Alpha Lucario, Glameow, Buneary, Burmy Sandy (Tree) - 2025/2/21
Rufflet, Starly (Random), Goomy, Whiscash x2 (Mass Outbreak), Paras, Croagunk, Murkrow, Staravia, Silcoon, Nosepass (Random), Luxray - 2025/2/23
Cyndaquil, Sliggoo-Hisui, Swinub, Kricketot, Magmar - 2025/2/24
Male Basculin-White (Random) - 2025/2/25
Gastly (Random), Lickitung, Golduck, Barboach (Random) - 2025/2/26
Chansey (Mass Outbreak) - 2025/2/27
Stantler (Mass Outbreak), Braviery-Hisui - 2025/3/3
Hippopotas (Random) - 2025/3/6
Kadabra, Ralts - 2025/3/9
Remoraid (Mass Outbreak), Unown M - 2025/3/13
Snorunt - 2025/3/14
Dartrix, Bronzor (Random), Roseraid, Stunky, Croagunk, Beautifly (Random), Alpha Kadabra, Raichu, Kricketot - 2025/3/16
Sliggoo, Graveler (Random), Gligar (Random)- 2025/3/18
Aipom (Random) - 2025/3/19
Snover, Buneary - 2025/3/21
Prinplup (Mass Outbreak), Geodude (Random), Gastly - 2025/3/22
200 Shinies in PLA: 2025/2/5, Gastly
150 Shinies in PLA Shiny Dex: 2025/2/11, Steelix
250 Shinies in PLA: 2025/2/23, Whiscash
Distortions: 8
Porygon Line Spawns: 13
Cleffa (FAIL) on 2022/9/23: My first ever shiny fail, just because I forgot to save my game and the Cleffa broke out. I did achieve redemption on 2025/1/26 tho, getting my first ever shiny Cleffa
Voltorb-Hisui x2 on 2025/1/26: I flew over the outbreak, there was a shiny. I caught the shiny, another shiny spawned. The instant the second shiny spawned, the massive mass outbreak ended. THAT WAS SO HYPE (this was also the same massive mass outbreak that I got the shiny Cleffa)
Murkrow (Random) on 2025/2/4: I saved a few seconds before the Murkrow spawned (coincidentally), but because it turned day a few seconds later, no matter how hard I tried, the Murkrow always flew away before I could get in a battle with it. Therefore, my 5-head brain fast traveled back to base camp and slept to nightfall as soon as possible, thus preventing the Murkrow from flying away.
Magmar (Space-Time Distortion) (FAIL) on 2025/2/5: Got a Magmar in a distortion, so I saved, tried catching it, it broke out, and it despawned. I restarted the game, but for some reason the distortion isn't there anymore, meaning my Magmar is also gone. Moral of the story: Saving & Restarting the game gets rid of distortions, so GET ALL THE SHINIES IN THERE ASAP
Rhyhorn, Psyduck, Gligar on 2025/2/23: These were duplicate shinies that I just decided to put for "farm work" cause why the hell not. Might spend some time evolving them and putting them there so it looks really funny that a Shiny Gliscor is doing farm work or smthing.
Gastly on 2025/2/26: I wasn't even outbreak hunting, I was in Mirelands prepping to afk for distortions to hunt Porygon. I spawned in and within like one second I heard the shiny noise. I instantly had that feeling of...what do you humans call it again? Ah yes, I felt cool.
Barboach on 2025/2/26: Again, I was just distortion hunting, and I sent out my shiny Cyndaquil (that I'm training up) to headbutt a tree, but I heard a shiny noise that is just too loud for my shiny Cyndaquil to make (caught shinies make a different sound than wild shinies). I was already in a distortion that was about to generate, but I knew I needed to verify my suspicion that it was a wild shiny, so I saved and reopened the game (yes that unfortunately got rid of the distortion). I spawned back in and heard the shiny sound, but I looked around and saw no particles. I heard it again (louder, which means I'm closer), and that's when I peeked down this random creek and see a shiny Barboach. Keep in mind that, without a regular outbreak, shiny Barboach has 1/585 odds to spawn (they don't spawn in massive mass outbreaks) so getting that (and Whiscash) for the shiny dex already is hype.
Hall of Fame:
Gen 8 Nationa Dex OG Team*: https://pokepast.es/585fe0cc31a6e9e8
Gen 8 OU Sun Team*: https://pokepast.es/901208c9385ae27b
Gen 8 LC Sun Team: https://pokepast.es/3b8207dbf5668402
Gen 8 National Dex Sun Team*: https://pokepast.es/8bb3c47df552744b
Gen 9 National Dex OG Zard Y Team: https://pokepast.es/720b8fb2cf126220
Gen 9 National Dex Zard Y HO Team: https://pokepast.es/dba12e6bd0e3530b
Gen 9 National Dex E-Terrrain HO Team: https://pokepast.es/12d97afd27b0a0e8
Gen 9 National Dex Hard Trick Room: https://pokepast.es/a08ea371ccc5c6dd
*Details may be wrong due to crappy memory & no replays available
2024/12/8: 500 Points
2024/12/16: 1000 Points
2025/1/1: Expert YEEEEAAAAAAAAA
2025/1/29: 1500 Points
2025/2/6: 100 Upvotes
2023/9/11 (oh sht): Front page of users
2024/10/10: First downvote NAURRRR
2024/9/11: The Lore of the Banana (https://pastebin.com/7hPXJimw)