About me:
Scizor can and will prevail.
I'm relatively new to pokemon, but I've researched it a lot and have become really involved and somewhat competitive. I've used the database for a lot of research and have found it more useful than other sites (like serebii and marriland) therefore have decided to become part of it, give my opinions and become a better... "Trainer"
Giga/ is my Po name.
I see a lot of people putting friends on the site here, and now that I've been on for a while, I can do so myself!
UberPwnage: You would be the first person I've battled on PO, you're pretty good, and fun to battle (to say the least)
Dr. Flame: Also one of the first people that I have battled, you give good tips on my teams, and have helped me improve by posting suggestions in the RMT.
Speed Freak: You're on chat quite a bit, and definitely someone noteworthy. You're a sensible moderator that gives me good advice and posts lots of fun things.
Josh: When you left everybody was just like: WHAT????? And then you came back. I was *this* close to ruling the world....
KingdraFTW: You. Are. Funny.
Riles: Wow, good battler. Get PO, you'll get to show people how good you really are.
Hex: You've slaughtered me so many times. It gives me a sense of admiration, while I'm depressed staring at the 6 pokemon you KO'd.
Blob: Smart, ever so smart, you have some really good advice and are good at the game.
Trachy: THANK YOU for answering my RMT questions, you're improving my teams SOO much. That makes me happy.
Pokemonmasterlol: Fun to battle, glad to help you with your teams, (You're like my apprentice in your own way) and I'm glad to trade you pokes.
MrBoss: Ahh, how the student has become the teacher... You're good Boss, but still not quite good enough... You're fun to battle, one of my most challenging opponents.
Freeze Shock: Also fun to battle, you've gotten a lot better, and you're fun to battle. You also seem to take an interest in my RMT Answers...
Swaggron: Fun to battle, we exchange advice and discuss pokemon (Suicune>Slowbro IMO) and you're pretty good at Uber's.
The Pika: Pretty Kule, nice person to chat with. :D
SPOINK:... Spoink. I always get the most interesting HAX in our battles. Fun to battle, and fun overall.
Ruoppster: Fun to battle, mainly UU. You're good at it, and, oh yea, i can't forget the face :P
Pokemonblack10: Really good battler. Best in OU. I died. Just... Died.
If you're not on my friends list and feel like you should be, I'll probably add you. If it's the other way around and you don't want to be my friend, that's pretty akward. I guess I could remove you if you don't want to be seen around me >.>
Grey Test: Awesome, reasonable, awesome.
If you want to battle me on PO or showdown, I'll usually accept.
PO name: Giga/
Showdown: Gigaslash
The Pika: A noteworthy foe of the OU teir.... Don't worry, we'll battle again someday...