PokéBase - Pokémon Q&A

User UmbreonLover456

Member for: 11 years (since Aug 20, 2013)
Type: Registered user
Extra privileges: Voting on questions
Voting on answers
Voting posts down
Flagging posts
Posting on user walls
Gender: I am not allowed to disclose that classified information.
Favorite Pokémon:
Friend Codes: 3DS: 4570-8519-9631 ErBear

I have GENESECT!!!! No kidding. Also have a Tornadus up for trade.

                 Well I finally decided to do this, so here I go!

Username Changes= Umbreonlover456---> UmbreonLover456
-----> SylveonLover456----> EeveeLover456---> Sephazeon----> UmbreonLover456

                                                  FRIEND LIST
It's a secret!-nice person who is very nice. Is he still banned?
Astronautical-is very kind and helped me fill out the Dèx. Thanks :]
Eponyta-long-time friend. Really inspirational

I can't die anymore! My thing is gone!

                                                  MY FAVORITE STUFFZ
Favorite Video Game: LoZ aLBW or Pokemon OR/AS
"I look like a big bottle of MUSTARD!!!
        -My friend, December 2015

Activity by UmbreonLover456

Score: 1,092 points (ranked #270)
Questions: 129 (126 with best answer chosen)
Answers: 27 (14 chosen as best)
Comments: 104
Voted on: 7 questions, 22 answers
Gave out: 29 up votes, 0 down votes
Received: 64 up votes, 10 down votes

Wall for UmbreonLover456

Please log in or register to post on this wall.
Nov 27, 2020 by ~Silver~
I love that grabatar, of Umbreon and Espeon. So cute! ^-^
Nov 4, 2019 by SylveonFairy2019
That is a SICK gravatar.
Mar 25, 2018 by WhoGotzDaFud
Hello Umbre, I am 151 :)
Dec 27, 2015 by Lady Sylbreon 151.1
just kidding ^-^
btw I love Umbreon
Dec 26, 2015 by Lady Sylbreon 151.1
Your wall looks kinda lonely all empty like this, so I'm just gonna leave a post here so it's not lonely anymore ^-^
Nov 19, 2015 by Lady Sylbreon 151.1