PokéBase - Pokémon Q&A

User SylveonFairy2019

Member for: 5 years (since Oct 28, 2019)
Type: Registered user
Extra privileges: Voting on questions
Voting on answers
Flagging posts
Posting on user walls
Gender: Female
Country: Tennessee, United States
Favorite Pokémon: Look at "Friend Codes:", Pokemon. Thank you.
Friend Codes: Favorite Pokemon, by type:  (These are from some season's I've watched, 1-3, 6-7, 10-12, 20-22.)
NORMAL:      Sivally & Eevee
FIRE:             Flareon & Litten
WATER:         Squirtle & Piplup
ELECTRIC:     Pikachu & Mareep
GRASS:         Bulbasur & Dartwix
ICE:              Alolan Volpix & Sneasel
FIGHTING:    Bewear & Lopbunny (Mega form)
POISON:      Poipole & Coragunk
GROUND:     Gliscor & Digglet
FLYING:        Butterfree & Altaria
PSYCHIC:     Espeon & Lunala
BUG:           Burmey & Cutifly
ROCK:         Sudowoodo & Lycanroc (Mid night form)
GHOST:       Mimikyu & Mismagius
DRAGON:     Turtanator & Dragonite
DARK:          Umbreon & Sharpedo
STEEL:          Togedemaru & Magearna
FAIRY:          Sylveon & Tapo KoKo

There you go!

Anyone that is a Lego Ninjago fan, next year they are making season 12!!
About me: Hi, I am SylveonFairy2019.
I love Pokemon. All kinds really, but I do prefer Sylveon and Pikachu. I want to make the world of Pokemon awesome, and make more people love it.
So I play many Pokemon games, I watch all of the shows and movies. So please, don't I sound like Ash Ketchum? Trying to catch all of the Pokemon, and  getting in trouble with Team Rocket. Well that's me, going out there to find more Pokemon lovers. Like you. Can't wait to do much more to the world. I am so pleased to be here on PokemonDataBase. Because I can meet awesome people, like; Mulitvee, Pokemaster,  -Hex-maniac-, CloudBerry, Hellfire Taco, and other great ones. If you have any thing to say to me, please write on my wall. And don't forget to favorite me! Love you Pokemon's! ^-^ :) ;)

Birthday: July 2nd
Age: 12
Favorite color: Pink and Red
Siblings: 4
Favorite movie: Disney Frozen
Favorite TV show: Pokemon, Lego Ninajgo: Masters of Spinjizu, and DC super hero girls.
Favorite charactor's from Disney: Anna (Frozen), Mal and Harry(Descendants 3), Nick Wild (Zootopia), and many more!
Favorite Charactor's from Lego Ninjago, in order: Kai, Jay, Nya, Zane, P.I.X.A.L, Sensi Wu, Cole, Lord Garmadon, Lloyd, Skylor, Serpent Team, Ghost people, and then the rest of them.
Favorite DC Super Hero Girls: Poison Ivy, Harley Quinn, Wonder Women, Super Girl, Cheetah, Beast Boy, Flash.
Favorite games: Portal Knights (Switch), DC Super Villions (Switch), All Lego games (Switch and Wii U), Luigi's Manshion 3 (Switch), Fortnight (Computer), Animal crossing (3DS), Luigi's Manshion: Dark Moon (3DS), Pokemon Moon (3DS), Zelda: Tri force hero's (3DS), Mario Cart 7 (3DS), and so much more!

I can also speak Spanish and French. Hola/ Hi (Spanish), Bonjor/ Hi (French)

If you want to know more about me please ask, and I'll let you know.

Oh and, I am also NinjagoKai on https://Gotoquiz.com
Please take my quiz's. One is called "Lego Ninajgo: Which Ninja are You?"
And any others that have my name on it. With you guys taking my quiz and showing other people, I will finally be noticed on there. Thank you.

I also have Instagram. I mainly post Lego Ninjago, sometimes Disney and Pokemon. My name on there is: nindroid_kai, so please follow me. And you are more than welcome to do a Direct Message with me, but I can't promise that I'll write the second you finish writing. I also post at least once or twice a day.

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Activity by SylveonFairy2019

Score: 62 points (ranked #1,824)
Questions: 1 (1 with best answer chosen)
Answers: 2
Comments: 21
Voted on: 12 questions, 24 answers
Gave out: 36 up votes, 0 down votes
Received: 6 up votes, 2 down votes

Wall for SylveonFairy2019

Please log in or register to post on this wall.
Dec 8, 2022 by Mahathirio
Hey guess what? I joined this site right on your birthday! ;)
Feb 6, 2022 by xPsydxck
Jul 11, 2021 by Hellfire Taco
Jun 1, 2020 by SpillThePolteageist
That's unfortunate :/
Jan 12, 2020 by Clobboot
Sylve (aka SylveonFairy2019) told me through E-mail that she's not coming back to PkmnDB. The site has been blocked on all of her devices via her parents. RIP Sylve, we will miss you. ( Shes not dead, just dead on this site.)
Jan 9, 2020 by -Hex-maniac-
You should get Colors!3D on the DS Its 6$ on the game store. Its for digital coloring/drawing, but you can make an account and post your art and get likes and comments. You can search it and go to the website. Im @Quen- on there btw.
Jan 4, 2020 by -Hex-maniac-
lol jk. did you have a good Christmas sylve?
Dec 28, 2019 by -Hex-maniac-
did u see him?! o m g  did u see himmm?
Dec 28, 2019 by -Hex-maniac-
Ok, I just set up the camera, and now waiting..
I've heard voices for a little while, so i'm styaing awake to see and record it so my Little sister J****** * C*******S, and see it.
She is going to be sooooo excited, she want's me to wake up, then wake her up at 5:00 A.M!!! Thats early...
Well, anyway. Merry Christmas, and Happy New Year.
Let God bless your family and friends, thank you all for being my best friends. Your like family to me. ^-^
Dec 25, 2019 by SylveonFairy2019