PokéBase - Pokémon Q&A

User xPsydxck

Member for: 3 years (since Jul 2, 2021)
Type: Registered user
Extra privileges: Voting on questions
Voting on answers
Voting posts down
Flagging posts
Posting on user walls
Gender: Balls
Country: Look behind you
Favorite Pokémon: Your mum
Friend Codes: Ain't got any Nintendo consoles :/
About me: Inactive now - out of my Pokemon phase.
No time and visit the site (college) and the tier I played got removed on PS! so yeah.


I can't even begin to describe how much I love my grav.
You just know it's really something when it gave you the motivation to create a Gravatar account after 8 months.

Username changes: -oPsydxck --> Aaaaaaaaa --> xPsydxck
That Aaaaaaaaa username was supposed to be a meme name but I forgot to change it back before username changes closed. Had to stick with it for 6 months lol.



Quackers F.C.:
The Hyphenation
neo magius

If you're a former member, then feel free to tell on my wall cause I forgot some members. :skull:


Note: I might (read: will) take upto a couple of days to reply to wall posts until September if the post is somewhat big.

Note to future self: Splitgate - 15GB, f2p, FPS
Neon White - 6GB, $25, FPS/Puzzle
Players share old games they still can't enough of - TG
EpicLosers YT

Activity by xPsydxck

Score: 974 points (ranked #283)
Questions: 0
Answers: 27 (25 chosen as best)
Comments: 356
Voted on: 103 questions, 619 answers
Gave out: 664 up votes, 58 down votes
Received: 58 up votes, 1 down vote

Wall for xPsydxck

Please log in or register to post on this wall.
Haha, i appreciate the compliment, sorry, ive not had access to this account for some time :)
Jul 6 by Candy
I dunno.

Feb 12 by Gau
So you gonna just leave me here rude
Feb 12 by Icyyyy
Feb 9 by Talos
Feb 9 by Fizz
damn you're huge
Feb 8 by Hellfire Taco
Jan 26 by Icyyyy
First post of 2024, sweet.
Jan 25 by Zyla™️

Nov 30, 2023 by Gau
Yeah I’m 20, school being more college for me, lol. I don’t like my current field, so I’m going back for something different
Nov 29, 2023 by ~Silver~