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User Talos

Member for: 3 years (since Apr 26, 2021)
Type: Registered user
Extra privileges: Voting on questions
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Gender: that *****/this *****
Country: PCM + Eco
Favorite Pokémon: Groudon on steroids
Friend Codes: Discord - synapse4
About me: Lurking/inactive on DB. Online on discord - available at synapse4

Activity by Talos

Score: 1,286 points (ranked #234)
Questions: 37 (34 with best answer chosen)
Answers: 47 (31 chosen as best)
Comments: 134
Voted on: 3 questions, 25 answers
Gave out: 27 up votes, 1 down vote
Received: 64 up votes, 6 down votes

Wall for Talos

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you were gatik right
Mar 26 by siegfriedsystem
Hello :3
Feb 10 by Zyla™️
Hey, how you doing?
Feb 10 by Amethyst
Nov 21, 2023 by xPsydxck
Fort Talos from Arcane Odyssey
Nov 5, 2023 by BM™
Get to talk to my best friend on it.
Sep 3, 2023 by Gau
I dunno, it seems pretty convenient to me. Of course, I have a bunch of free time, but it usually doesn't seem to take that long for chat to become active.
Jul 16, 2023 by Gau
Nope, just DB so far.
Jul 15, 2023 by Gau
Lol, shiny Caterpie.

I know she's like that, but it just be nice to get a congrats every once in a while, ya know? But whatever, that's not what I'm focused on.

"but she's still your friend. sometimes you just have to be the bigger person."

Um, remember how I said I was questioning my relationships with people I consider friends?
Um, yeah, I'm not sure if I can say Giru's my friend. With... certain people.. it takes a bit more effort for me to open up enough to consider them a friend, and sometimes, it's the little things that matter when I make the decision. And it wasn't just the shiny thing, there were past things, but when I blew however many days ago that was, it made me think. How long am I going to get involved in someone's life who acts the way they do? Of course, I'm not still mad at Giru, but I don't know if I can call her a friend again, or at least, right now.

Also, no, I don't have Discord (actually, I do, I just haven't made an account), but I have the next best thing.

You were supposed to lau-
ANYWAYS, yeah, I use that to talk with people that aren't on DB as much. But other than that, I don't really have any thing.
And no, I'm not good at Chess. I suck at it (look I haven't learned the game much, ok?).

Also, no, I don't think I've heard of Cricket.
Jul 15, 2023 by Mr. Fish

That sounds really cool, to live in (or even just visit) something you made yourself. Hard work definitely pays off, huh?
Jul 13, 2023 by Gau